Manapság jelentősen csökkent az európai terrortámadások száma (2015-2016-hoz képest) vagy egyszerűen csak nem számol már be róla a média?

Növelték a titkosszolgálatok költségvetését.
Nagy Britanniában jó néhányat megakadályoztak mostanában.

Egyszerűen csökken, nincs nagyobb támadás. Ennek örülni kéne, nem összeesküvés elméleteket gyártani. A közösségi média révén pedig nehéz lenne bármit is eltitkolni, pláne egy komolyabb terrorcselekményt.
Sokkal inkább az lehet a háttérben, hogy elfogytak a radikalizálható emberek, eredményesebben dolgoznak a hatóságok, illetve a terrorszervezetek is gyengülnek.

Nagy szervezett talán kevesebb van de azért ilyen autós, késes elborul az agya valakinek egész sok.
"2017.10.01 France Marseille 2 0 A man shouting praises to Allah slits the throat of one women and stabs another to death.
2017.09.30 England Birmingham 0 1 A 14-year-old Shiite is stabbed in a targeted attack by Sunni radicals.
2017.09.15 France Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 0 2 A man shouting 'Allah Akbar' attacks two women with a hammer, severely injuring both.
2017.09.15 England London 0 29 A 'cell of several Jihadis' set off an incendiary bomb on a passenger train.
2017.09.14 France Toulouse 0 7 A man shouting praises to Allah violently assaults strangers on the street.
2017.09.12 Germany Berlin 0 1 Two Muslim refugees beat and stab another for wearing a Christian cross.
2017.08.31 Sweden Stockholm 0 1 A police officer is stabbed in the neck by a Muslim migrant.
2017.08.25 Belgium Brussels 0 2 A Somali asylum seeker attacks police with a machete while shouting praises to Allah and carrying a Quran.
2017.08.25 England London 0 3 A man shouting 'Allah Akbar' drives his car into a group of police and slashes at them with a sword.
2017.08.18 Finland Turku 2 6 A Muslim terrorist stabs two women to death along a city street.
2017.08.17 Spain Barcelona 14 130 A Muslim driver mows down over a hundred pedestrians along a venue, killing fourteen, including a 3-year-old and his mother.
2017.08.17 Spain Cambrils 1 6 Five Jihadis drive their car into a crowd of people, then stab a woman to death.
2017.08.17 Spain Barcelona 1 0 A man is stabbed to death by a Muslim terrorist.
2017.08.16 Spain Alcanar 1 6 A woman is killed in a house blown up accidently by an Islamic cleric making a bomb.
2017.08.09 France Paris 0 6 A Muslim living illegally in France deliberately plows his car into a group of soldiers.
2017.07.28 Germany Hamburg 1 4 A man on a mission to kill Christians rushes into a supermarket and stabs five people, one of whom dies.
2017.07.21 England Norfolk 0 2 A guard and prisoner have their throats slashed by a Muslim yelling 'This is for Allah'…
2017.07.17 Italy Milan 0 1 A migrant stabs a police officer while yelling about being a martyr for Allah.
2017.06.30 Austria Linz 2 0 A 'radicalized' Muslim slits the throats of an elderly couple in their home.
2017.06.20 Belgium Brussels 0 0 A suicide nail bomber attempts to aerate passengers at a train station.
2017.06.19 France Paris 0 0 A suicide bomber targets police along the Champs-Elysees.
2017.06.18 France Lot-et-Garonne 0 1 A young Jihadi nearly stabs a French farmer to death while yelling praises to Allah.
2017.06.07 England London 0 1 A unveiled woman is slashed with a knife by three women chanting about Allah and quoting from the Quran.
2017.06.06 France Paris 0 1 A radicalized Muslim attacks a cop with a hammer outside the Notre Dame cathedral.
2017.06.03 England London 8 48 Three former migrants to Europe shout "this is for Allah" as they plow into pedestrians on London Bridge and then proceed to a market, where they stab anyone within reach. Eight others are left dead.
2017.06.01 Germany Oldenburg 1 0 A father of two is stabbed to death by two Muslims for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
2017.05.22 England Manchester 22 119 Children are among twenty-two young people blown up at a concert by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.05.18 Italy Milan 0 3 A militant Muslim stabs three people at a train station.
2017.05.11 England Leeds 1 0 A young mother is honor killed by her Muslim family after 'reverting' to Western-style clothing.
2017.04.29 Germany Prien am Chiemsee 1 0 A woman is stabbed to death in front of her two children over her decision to leave Islam for Christianity.
2017.04.27 France Reunion 0 2 An Islamic radical shoots two police officers.
2017.04.20 France Paris 1 2 An Islamic extremist sprays a police car with bullets along the Champs-Elysees, killing one officer.
2017.04.07 Sweden Stockholm 5 14 A 'radicalized' Muslim steals a truck and mows down five pedestrians, including an 11-year-old girl.
2017.04.04 France Paris 1 0 A young Muslim man throws a 66-year-old Jewish woman to her death from a balcony while praising Allah.
2017.03.22 England London 5 29 A Muslim man mows down pedestrians on a bridge, killing a teacher, tourist and an elderly man, before stabbing a police officer to death. A fifth victim succumbs weeks later.
2017.03.21 Italy Foggia 0 1 A Muslim 'migrant' attempts to rams his car into police, then attacks officers with a knife.
2017.03.18 France Paris 0 1 A man 'here to die for Allah' is gunned down by airport security as he tries to snatch a weapon.
2017.03.17 France Paris 2 0 A father and son's throats are slit by a family member yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
2017.02.03 France Paris 0 0 A man wielding a machete charges guests at the Louvre while shouting 'Allah Akbar!'
2017.01.11 Germany Oberhausen 0 1 A man yelling praises to Allah stabs a customer at a store parking lot."

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