A terrorizmus összefügg az Iszlám vallással?

Már ezerszer elmondtuk az itt jelen lévő keresztényeknek hogy Aisha házasságkori életkora bizonytalan. A Korán nem írja a másodlagos forássokban pedig több eltérő életkor olvasható ki. Ez a 9 éves verzió az egyik de van olyan ami szerint 18-20 éves lehetett. A hozzád hasonló keresztények kiragadják a 9 éves verziót és behazudják hogy ez tény.
Ez is bizonyítja hogy sok keresztény erkölcsileg nulla.

Nem vagyok keresztény, nagyon távol állok tőle. Az, hogy te automatikusan "lekeresztényezel", mert bírálom a - megismétlem - pedofil tömeggyilkos prófétádat, mert pedofil és tömeggyilkos, az azt bizonyítja, hogy az iszlám támogatja a vallásszabadságot?
Nézz utána Aisha életkorának akkor jobban, mindenütt 6 és 9 év van írva, aki ha tetszik ez neked és hasonszőrű pedofilbálványozóknak, ha nem.
Ez az ember 1400 éve élt, akkor saját bevallása szerint egy angyal lediktált neki egy könyvet, szexelt legalább egy 10 éven aluli gyerekkel, ki tudja, hány embert gyilkolt le, de te csak védd és "keresztényezz" le mindenkit, akinek ez nem tetszik, te béke vallásának követője :D ha meg nem bírod ezt elfogadni, fejezz le egy pár embert, ahogy hasonszőrű cimboráid a béke vallásának nevében, hátha megnyugszol tőle (ami attól nem fog változtatni a tényeken és az igazságon: Mohamed egy pedofil tömeggyilkos volt, akinek saját bevallása szerint egy angyal lediktált egy könyvet, ami feljogosította számtalan háborúra, gyilkolásra, legalább egy gyerek megrontására, te meg őt követed, véded 1400 évvel később és "keresztényezel le" mindenkit csípőből, akinek ez nem tetszik. Tényleg ez tűnik a helyes útnak, gratulálok :D

"Al-Bukhārī reports that Hishām [ibn ʿUrwa] narrates from his father that ʿĀʾisha, may God be pleased with her, [said]: “The Prophet ﷺ married her when she was six years old and he consummated the marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years.”1
Muslim reports that al-ʿAmash narrates from Ibrahīm who narrates from al-ʾAswad that ʿĀʾisha said: “The Messenger of God ﷺ married her when she was six years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine [years old], and he passed away when she was eighteen [years old].” 2
The two ḥadīths above state that ʿĀʾisha3 was six when she married and nine when the marriage was consummated. These narrations come from the two most authentic books in the Islamic tradition following the Qurʿān, Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī and Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim (Ṣaḥīḥayn), not to mention that they each place ʿĀʾisha as the narrator. In addition, numerous other authentic ḥadīths outside the Ṣaḥīḥayn support these two ages.4 Thus, it would be reasonable even for one with primitive knowledge of Islam and the ḥadīth sciences to accept this ḥadīth as authentic and as a part of Islamic history. To further corroborate, there was not a single prominent medieval Islamic scholar who took issue with her age; on the contrary, some of them went as far to state that there was a consensus. Ibn Hazm5 says: “The age of ʿĀʾisha is recorded in the texts without a difference of opinion.”6 Ibn Kathīr7 says: “This is a matter in which there is no difference of opinion amongst people.”8 Ibn Abd al-Barr9 says: “I do not know of anyone differing on this.”10 Thus, it can be concluded that the ages of six and nine constitute the default understanding and any evidence that contradicts this will have to be equally or more authentic."

Narrated Hisham's father: Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old.
Sahih Bukhari 5:58:236
Narrated 'Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).
Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64
Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)
Sahih Bukhari 8:73:151
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.'
Sahih Muslim 8:3310
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.
Sahih Muslim 8:3311
Aisha said, "The Apostle of Allah married me when I was seven years old." (The narrator Sulaiman said: "Or six years."). "He had intercourse with me when I was 9 years old.
Sunan Abu Dawud 2116 (Ahmad Hasan Ref)

Itt egy még részletesebb, átfogóbb és egyértelműbb összefoglaló:
Aisha's Age
In sum, there is absolutely no reason to doubt Aisha’s own statements.
The Messenger of Allah married me when I was six and consummated the marriage when I was nine. I was playing on a see-saw … I used to play dolls.
Bewley/Saad 8:44.
Allah’s Apostle married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old.
Sahih Muslim 8:3310
The Prophet married Aisha in Shawwal in the tenth year after the prophethood [13 May - 10 June 620], three years before the Hijra. He consummated the marriage in Shawwal, eight months after the Hijra [11 May - 9 April 623]. On the day he consummated the marriage with her, she was nine years old.
Al-Tabari, Vol. 39, p. 171.
Copious documentation on hundreds of Muhammad’s companions shows that most Arabs knew their age to the nearest year. Why should Aisha, with her extraordinary memory, her penchant for details and her talent for arithmetic, have been any exception? To suggest that, contrary to her clear statement, she miscalculated or fabricated her own age is not logical. The information about her death only confirms her consistency.
Aisha died on Tuesday night, the 17 Ramadan 58 AH [16 July 678], and she was buried the same night after the night prayer. She was then 66 years old.
Al-Tabari, Vol. 39, p. 173.
The year 66 years before 58 AH was once again nine years before the Hijra, making Aisha nine years old at her consummation in 1 AH. While it may well be true that most Arabs only knew their age to the year and not to the day, there is some evidence that Aisha’s family had noted at least the month in which she was born.
Aisha was born at the beginning of the fourth year of prophethood, and she married the Messenger of Allah in the tenth year, in Shawwal, when she was six.
Bewley/Saad 8:55.
If they knew that she had been born at the “beginning” and not the “middle” or the “end” of the year, it is unlikely that they would have been wrong about the year itself. “The fourth year of prophethood” was indeed the ninth year before the Hijra (25 October 613 - 13 October 614). It was the year when Muhammad first preached Islam in public;[52] Aisha’s parents would not have forgotten what was happening around the city at the time when their daughter was born. Abu Bakr’s accuracy is not really surprising, as he was a recognised expert on genealogy,[53] so a person’s month of birth was exactly the kind of detail that he would remember.
Aisha narrated that Allah’s Apostle married her when she was seven years old, and he she was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he died she was 18 years old.
Sahih Muslim 8:3311
Abdullah narrated. The Holy Prophet married Aisha while she was a seven-year-old girl and took her to his house as a bride when she was nine years old and he parted with her when she was 18 years old.
Ibn Majah 3:1877
These two narratives offer a variant for Aisha’s age when she was legally married, but this is an uncertainty about the date of the contract (two rather than three years before the consummation). It does not reflect any uncertainty about Aisha’s date of birth, since they confirm that the marriage was consummated when she was nine. The real discrepancy can be missed by a casual reader, but it is obvious to anyone familiar with the Islamic calendar.
Aisha was married in the first year AH (19 July 622 - 7 July 623) and widowed in the eleventh (1 April 632 - 20 March 633). Since she was married at nine, she should have been 19, not 18, when Muhammad died. This is possibly just careless counting by some person other than Aisha: “Nine and a bit plus nine and a bit is still only 18.” But it could also mean that on the day when Muhammad died, Aisha had not yet passed her birthday. Muhammad died on 12 Rabi-Awwal 11 AH (i.e., in the middle of the third month) (10 June 632).[54] If Aisha knew that she had been born on some date later in the year than 12 Rabi-Awwal, then she was still only 18 and not 19 when she was widowed.
This gives us Aisha’s date of birth to within six weeks. It might have been as early as 13 Rabi-Awwal 9 BH (4 January 614). But it is unlikely that it was any later than 29 Rabi-Thani 9 BH (19 February 614), as any date later than the fourth month would not have been “early” in the year. So we can express Aisha’s birthday as 27 January 614, plus or minus three weeks.
Her marriage was consummated in the tenth month of the first year AH. This fell between 11 April and 9 May (median = 25 April 623). We can now take an informed estimate of her age at consummation.
Aisha’s Median Age at Consummation = 9 years and 3 months.
Muhammad’s Age = 52 years and 0 months.
Age Difference = 42 years and 9 months.
The exact age or age difference down to the day or even to the year do not matter. The real points are that (1) Aisha was a prepubescent child, and (2) Muhammad was old enough to be her grandfather.
Aisha was the youngest bride whom Muhammad married. It does not follow that she was the youngest wife in the household. Towards the end of his life, Muhammad acquired a few women whose age in years was even younger than Aisha’s.

"Nem vagyok keresztény, nagyon távol állok tőle. Az, hogy te automatikusan "lekeresztényezel", mert bírálom a - megismétlem - pedofil tömeggyilkos prófétádat, mert pedofil és tömeggyilkos, az azt bizonyítja, hogy az iszlám támogatja a vallásszabadságot?"
Keresztények terjesztik ezeket a hazugságokat főleg ezen az oldalon, de ha nem is vagy keresztény, attól még minfig hazug vagy és primitív.
"Nézz utána Aisha életkorának akkor jobban, mindenütt 6 és 9 év van írva, aki ha tetszik ez neked és hasonszőrű pedofilbálványozóknak, ha nem."
Ez nem igaz. Ezeknek sem te néztél utána hanem valami iszlámelleenes szenylapon találtad. Már vagy százszor leírtuk és ha tényleg utánanéznél látnád hogy más források szerint meg jóval több volt mint 6-9 éves.
"Visszatérve az eredeti kérdéshez: nem érdekes, hogy semmilyen másik valláshoz nem kötődik úgy a terrorizmus, mint a béke vallásához? Az ember azt hinné, a béke vallásának extrémistái... nos... extrémen békések. Valahogy nem ez a helyzet, ahol azért fejeznek le valakit, mert bírálja a pedofil tömeggyilkos prófétájukat, vagy csak mert LE MERI RAJZOLNI."
Az nem zavar hogy az 1990-es évekig nem is létezett olyan hogy iszlamista terror? És az sem zavar hogy ott jelentek meg ahol az USA beavatkozot? Ezeket az iszlamistának nevezett terrorszervezeteket a Nyugat hozta létre és a muszlimokra mutogatnak, a hozzád hasonló agyhalottak pedig benyalják.

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