A Jumanji filmben szereplő ház?
az imdb-ről:
The movie was filmed in Keene, New Hampshire. The film crew left an advertisement up on a brick wall right in the center of town for Parrish Shoes which can still be seen today.
The exterior of the Parrish shoe factory was filmed at the Hurd Mill in North Berwick, Maine. The building was once a prosperous mill that made wool products, but has been empty for many years.
It was shot in Keene, New Hampshire, where the story is set, North Berwick, Maine (the Parrish Shoes factory) and Vancouver, British Columbia.
In 1955, the North Berwick Company would close. Its landmark Greek Revival building was used as the Parrish Shoes factory in the 1995 movie Jumanji, and has since been renovated and adapted as housing.
What street is the "Parrish" home on?
Jefferson Street. In the scene where Aunt Nora stops Carl and asks him for a ride home he asks, "Where do you live?". She then responds by saying, "Jefferson Street, the old Parrish place". You don't see much of the street itself, but the street is home to both the "Parrish" residence as well as Sarah's house.
Does anyone know if the mansion exterior was built for the movie or it is a real house? Also if anyone knows the address? Thanks
Reply 12: Re: The mansion in Jumanji
BlindMan-11 replied 2 years, 5 months ago
The mansion in the movie is on 7th Street. New Westminster British Columbia. It is one of the largest homes in the area but the area is known for many heritage large homes. As a matter of interest, the building (TV shop) that the monkeys come running out of is at the corner of 6th Street and Columbia. Today the TV shop is a dress shop with low income housing above. If you want a digital picture ...
I am confused. Why, under the trivia section does it state that the film was shot in Kenne, NH and makes no mention of British Columbia??
If you go to the section heading: Additional Details and look in there for Filming Locations: you wll see it listed as British Columbia as the first listing (that is the primary location) and the more in the link means it will take you to the secondary etc locations of the film listings.
Nyomassál még egy-két oldal angol nyelvű szöveget!
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Nem értesz hozzá, és ne frusztráljon már annyira, hogy nem tudsz angolul. Inkább menj el egy tanfolyamra.
Csak az ide vonatkozó szövegeket idéztem a sok egyéb közül.
Gondolom, most nagyon okosnak és tudósnak tartod magad!
Csak így tovább!
Van a stílusodra egy találó mondás: Aki több szóban/mondatban mondja el amit -egyébként- egyben is el lehetne mondani, -az egyéb gonoszságra is hajlamos!
Igen, hát én sem találtam meg. Hiába írta ez a BlindMan (kanadai), hogy ott van a 7th Street-en New Westminsterben, British Columbiában, ott sem láttam. Sőt, még a 7th Avenue-t is végignéztem, hátha eltévesztette, de ott sincs.
A filmben írják, hogy hol forgatták, valahol biztosan ott van, de az is lehet, hogy tényleg csak díszlet volt. Vagy valós, de már nincs meg a ház.
Sajnos még képet sem találtam róla a filmből, pedig lehet, hogy az segítene, pl. fotót keresni róla.
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