Kezdőoldal » Kultúra és közösség » Nyelvek » Miről szól ez az angol vers?

Miről szól ez az angol vers?

Figyelt kérdés

You are chatting at night with her

You suddenly feel horny

You quickly ask for a nude

She says no

You continue

She asks you to understand her

You tell her to trust you

She says she can't expose her body to anyone

You still go on.

She tells you to wait

You wait patiently

She sends it

You feel happy

You wank on it

You finish, you look at the nude again

You feel disgusted

You think its nasty after wanking on it

You then go to mobile uploads

You upload the pic with a nasty caption

You even tag her

She sees it

She sends you a message for you to delete it, she cries and begs

But you say no‼

She tells you she'll send more if you delete that one

You say you've seen everything you wanted.

People start to like and react on the nude

Some start to comment bad things, some defend, some feel sorry, some laugh.

Her friends see the nude, some friends are disappointed and discriminate her, some friends defend her, but it does nothing cause everybody has seen the nude.

Some people share it

Some save and some even show her relatives

She's toned she regrets she cries

Next day she goes to school

She finds some people booing her

She enters the class just about to sit, she's called by the head teacher

She's told to explain what the head teacher and the member of stuff have heard, she fails

She's beaten.

The head teacher call her parents

They talk to the head teacher and the result is that she's expelled ‼

The parents try to plead but the head teacher is cold hearted

She goes home

Her parents are disappointed, and they also beat her.

Her phone is taken away

Her life ruined

She tries to take a walk just to think things through

But as she's walking people point at her

She hears them talking about the same thing

Some laugh

She goes back home.

Thinking too much

She decides to commit suicide as a relief

She goes to her mothers bedroom

She gets the rat poison

She quickly drinks it

Within two minutes she's dead.

Her parents call for her

She doesn't answer

They are mad they call again, she doesn't answer

They quickly go to her bedroom to beat her

They find her dead with the rat poison beside her

They feel bad, they blame themselves

They cry, they regret punishing her

They call her relatives and close friends

Everybody knows and they feel sad

Her best friend cries cause she can't believe what she sees.

The exposer also hears the news

He is toned

He regrets, he feels like going back to time

The burial day has come, her best friend and parents see the coffin lowering

they all burst in tears

They can't believe it.

Her parents are never the same from their daughters

Everybody close to her are not the same

The exposer is being haunted with force pictures of her.

It started simple until it was too much

You can easily ruin someone's life with something you think is simple.

Life is like electricity, Anybody can shock you.

2018. márc. 28. 15:04
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

A fiatal lany fiuja vagy ismeretlen chat partnere ker tolevegy mextelen kepet. Lany azt mondja, ilyet o nem tud megtenni, nem lathatja senki meztelenul, szegyenlos. A fiu konyorog, bizzon benne, stb. A lany kuld egyet, a srac arra maszturbal, majd kirakja nyilvanos social mediara. Masnap az iskolaban csufoljak a lanyt, tanar, igazgatohoz kell mennie. Nem hisznek neki es elverik, majd kidobjak az iskolabol. Otthon ugyanez. A lany konyorog a fiunak, ha torli a kepet, kuld neki tobbet. A srac nem teszi, a lany szegyeneben es elkesetedeseben ongyilkos lesze. A srac hallja a hirt, nagyon nan mar mindent. A szuloket megviseli a temetes, mar soha nem lesz amilyen volt. A lany barataie sem. A fiunak remalmai vannak. Hulyesegek kezdodott addig mig tulzasba nem ment a dolog. Valaki eletet konnyu elrontani ilyen dolgokkal. Az eleg olyan mint az aram, nagyon meg tud razni.

Amugy egyre tobb fiatal kovet el ongyilkosagot a haverok/idegenekmegfelelmiteseert, terrorizasaiert, leszegyenitesuk miatt, csufolasokert.

2018. márc. 28. 22:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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