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Valaki le tudná nekem fordítani magyarra? Badgley was born in Baltimore, Maryland, the son of Lynne Murphy and Duff Badgley, who worked as a newspaper reporter and also a carpenter.

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2016. dec. 1. 19:27
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Duff was the Green Party candidate for governor of Washington state in 2008. His parents divorced when he was 12. Badgley split his childhood years between Woodlake, Virginia and Seattle, Washington. He attended Woolridge Elementary, where his mother became PTA president before he transferred to St. Christopher's School. He enjoyed playing youth soccer, where his father coached.[citation needed] He attended Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, Washington, and was involved with the Seattle Children's Theatre. He soon began doing voice-overs for children's radio stations.

At age 11, Badgley relocated to Hollywood and began pursuing an acting career. He also pursued a singing career during this time and recorded a pop single in 1998. At the age of fourteen, Badgley completed his California High School Proficiency Exam and began attending Santa Monica College. He was later accepted to the University of Southern California, where he deferred admission due to contractual obligations, but then later enrolled at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon for two years.

2016. dec. 1. 19:29
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Itt született, ezek kölke, apja újságíró, ács és a zöld párt jelöltje volt 2008-ban. Szülők elválnak mikor 12 éves. GGyerekként e két hely közt ingázik:Woodlake, Virginia and Seattle, Washington. Meguntam.
2016. dec. 1. 20:12
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm ez is nagy segitség volt.
2016. dec. 1. 20:23

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