Egy angol nyelvű biológiai cikkben a 'screen' szó mit jelenthet?

Itt van angolul, hogy mi is ez:
An enhancer/suppressor screen is the most sophisticated type of genetic screen. In this case a mutagenised population has an allele of a gene that leads to a weak mutant phenotype in the biological process of interest. For example, with regard to fruit fly wing development, a weak allele may have small abnormal wings whereas a strong/null allele would have no wings. In this sensitised background it is possible to discover new mutants that either enhance the phenotype (small wings to no wings) or suppress the phenotype (small wings to normal wings). Such a screen has two advantages. First, new genes identified in the screen are often involved in the same biological process as the weak allele in the genetic background, in this case wing formation. Second, due to genetic redundancy, the mutant genes discovered may not have a visible phenotype of their own. In a more basic screen these would not be discovered, however, in the sensitised genetic background a visible phenotype is clear.

Meg egy szo felmerult, 'overexpression'. Pl. two-component overexpression system, GAL4 expression
Valaki tudna segiteni?

Szűrő, szűrés. Genetic screen = genetikai szűrő (szűrés). A szöveg pontosan megmagyarázza ezt.
Ha nem világos, itt van részletesen:

Itt elmagyarázzák a lényegét, de hogy pontosan magyarul hogyan kell mondani, az csak szakszótárból vagy szakfordítótól tudható meg.
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