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Valaki segíteni fordítani?

Figyelt kérdés

szóval van egy cikk mit le kell fordítanom a háromnegyede már megvan , de itt elakadtam , valaki segítene ezt a részt lefordítani ?

Your answers to these questions will give you some clues as to how much your relationship with your body is driven by excess or compulsion and how much it is guided by a loving attention to health. If you need to make some changes in this area, start slowly with some small changes. Add five minutes to the amount of time you spend over dinner. Make a list of your favorite relaxing musical pieces. Make a gratitude list. Take your medication as scheduled for one week. Think in terms of small manageable goals, something with a high likelihood of success. Too many of us start off with a massive reworking program, e.g., "I'm going to get up tomorrow, run four miles, take a walk at lunchtime, call my doctor to schedule a thorough physical, make a list of everything I've been putting off and everyone I've been resenting, etc. etc." Too often, our intentions all are dropped the first day because we've overwhelmed ourselves. In the words of the great psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin, start off with some baby steps! When you love yourself, you feel inner peace. -

2015. aug. 20. 14:56
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
Nem értem, hogy mit jelent az "itt elakadtam". Hirtelen elfelejtettél teljesen angolul? Eddig lefordítottad a cikket, de az utolsó negyedéből már nem értesz semmit?
2015. aug. 20. 17:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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