Véleményt tudnátok írni? Angol novella ha találtok benne nyelvtani hibát szóljatok de inkább a sztori és a karakter felépítés érdekelne. A vége még nincs meg
I’ve always been a bit scared when I’d to travel somewhere else alone. I’m really afraid of strangers and I’m not that brave type. But now I’m here at the station waiting for the 10 o’ clock train. I’m holding my suitcase and standing. After a few minutes the train is coming.
I was very happy when I got the letter that I got a scholarship to the Yale University. I’m not from a wealthy family , we always had small problems with money. At high school I worked hard, my classmates hated me because I was class leader.
I step into the train and start to search for an empty cabin. I don’t have luck most of them are full. I go to the last cabin while I am praying for a lonely way. I open the door and I see two boys both of them at my age. I sigh knowing that this journey will be a very long one and sat down next to one of them. I look them closer. The one who is sitting in front of me has half long dread locked ginger hair and cerulean eyes. He is listening music and probably wants to be deaf because I can hear what he is listening to from this distance. The other one has black hair, green eyes and pale face. He is reading a book but I can’t see the title. I take out my book when the black haired provided his hand
”Hi, I’m Michael,” he said and shaked my hand
„Hello, I’m Amy,” I said and I feel my face become flushed when I look into his bright eyes.
”What are you reading?” he asked and we were speaking about ten minutes when…
”Hello everyone,” a girl stepped in. I quickly look at her. She’s wearing boots, black shorts and a white T-shirt with a grotesqe Marilyn on it. In her blonde hair there are black stripes and she has grey eyes. The dreadlocked guy has looked up for the first up since I know him. The girl sits down and it’s looking she is in a good mood so she starts chatting:
” I am Steph but who’re you?” we introduced ourselves and it comes out that the dreadlocked guy’s name is Jack. But for me he’ll always be the dreadlocked guy.
”So, why do you want to go to New Haven?”
”I go to the Yale,” I said at the same time as Michael.
”Are you two together?” she asked looking at us carefully.
”What? No!” I said quickly.
”Oh, sorry ” and she gives me a meaningful glance but I don’t want to take out anything from it.
”And you?” she turns to the dreadlocked guy.
”There’s a band and I’m the drummer,’ he says while he is chewing a gum.
”What’s the name of it?’ I asked.
”Black Ribbon,” I understood this but Steph screamed such a loud… so I couldn’t hear it well.
”That’s my favourite band! But you can’t be the drummer, that’s Samuel Bright.
”Well, I’m the new one, Samuel stepped out,”
”Stephanie why do you go there?” Michael asks with a half smile and I melted.
”I escaped from my husband” she said calmly.
”What?” It slipped out of my mouth but I quickly regret it. ”Sorry I … well wanted to mean aren’t you too young to have a husband?”
”Yes, but we were at Las Vegas and you know things go quickly there and after a few months he started hitting me, so I had to go”
Silence fall on us. I look at my watch. It’s 2 o’ clock!
”I go out to the bathroom,” I said.
”Wait, I’ll go with you,” Steph stands up.
At the bathroom I look into the mirorr. My brownish-blondish hair splits so I get out my brush. While I comb my hair, Steph starts speaking.
”See, I know you are nervous because of this travel but…”
”But what?”
”Michael’s eyes are falling out when he is watching at you. I think you two are very cute with each other. When I asked that you were together I wanted…”
”Hey! Don’t start to compare too early. I think he is very nice but for me it’s a bit fast.”
”Okay, you know,”

Bathroom helyett a restroom lehet, hogy jobb lenne, elvégre mégiscsak egy vonatról van szó.
At the bathroom - In the bathroom, az utóbbit kell használni, mert bizonyos, hogy megérkezett a mosdóba.
(akkor lenne "at", ha csak elindult volna a mosdóba, de nem biztos, hogy már megérkezett, esetleg már eljött onnan)
A történet? Fogalmam nincs, hogy miről fog szólni, nem tudok róla nyilatkozni.

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