Tud magyarul Mariska Hargitay?
Találtam egy oldalt, ahol róla is és az anyjáról is van rövid életrajz. Itt említik meg Mariskáról, hogy egy sereg nyelven beszél, köztük magyarul is. Én úgy olvastam, hogy nem nagyon tud magyarul, magyar apja ellenére. Ti mit tudtok róla?
Az édesanyja (is) híres színésznő volt, korán meghalt. Segítenétek lefordítani ezt a bekezdést, mert a gép pocsékul fordít:
"In 1967, Jayne's life was still moving at full speed. "I will never be satisfied," she said in an interview. "Life is one constant search for betterment for me." Her time was split between a Southern nightclub tour and the production of "Single Room, Furnished," a drama that would become her last film. "Furnished" was directed by Matt Cimber, who Jayne met on the set of "Bus Stop" and later married. On June 29, Jayne was riding in front with Ronnie Harrison and lawyer Sam Brody on the way from a Mississippi nightclub engagement. Her children, Mickey Jr., Zoltan and Mariska sat in the back. As they rounded a curve on a dark stretch of road, the car slammed into a slowed semi. Though the children survived with minor injuries, everyone sitting in the front was killed instantly."

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