Mit tudtok Maximilian Lenz-ről? (1860-1948)
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Artist Details
Maximilian Lenz was born in Vienna in 1860. After studying art he became a painter and lithographer. Co-founder of the Vienna Secession Influential more as a part of the group and as an individual artist. In 1903 he accompanied Klimt on a visit to Ravenna, where both artists were deeply impressed by the hieratic style and decorative use of gold in the Byzantine mosaics. During the First World War Lenz produced several posters for the Central Powers. The Central Powers was the term used to describe the wartime alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary against the Allies. Later the term was extended to include Turkey and Bulgaria. In the early 1890s, Lenz was a designer of banknotes. Founding member of the Secessionist Group in Vienna, 1897, and exhibited with them. Supported by wealthy patrons, helped to build a beautiful building in Vienna for the exhibition of Secessionist material as well as the paintings of other countrymen The periodical Ver Sacrum was published by the Group and featured the work of Lenz and other artists Viennese Secession 1897 Maximilian Lenz FORTY FOUNDING MEMBERS 23 previous members of the Kunstlerhaus Klimt, Gustav Stohr Kramer Olbrich, Joseph M.(1867-1908) Moser, Koloman Moll, Carl Bacher, Rudolf von Ottenfeld, Rudolf Tichy, Hans Nowak, Anton Mayreder, Julius von Hellmer, Edmund von Myrbach, Felician The Other Thirteen Engelhart Jettel, Eugen Bernatzik, Wilhelm Hoffmann, Josef (1870-1956) Kurzweil Lenz, Max List, Wilhelm 2 others? Wagner, Otto The Other Thirteen Engelhart Jettel, Eugen Bernatzik, Wilhelm Hoffmann, Josef (1870-1956) Kurzweil Lenz, Max List, Wilhelm 2 others? 1897 Vereinigung bildender Kunstler Oesterreichs (Secession) was formally inaugurated with Klimt as the elected president. The Secession had no program and brought together 'Impressionists', ' Naturalists', 'Modernists' and 'Stylists'. Also the fields of painting, design, graphic art, and typography were displayed at Secession exhibitions. Architects allied themselves with the association 1st Secessionist Exhibition in Vienna opened on 26 March 1898 Many foreign artists invited to show Brought together Symbolists, Naturalists, Modernists, and Stylists. 2nd Secessionist Exhibition In Secession Gallery built for this purpose on Friedrichstrasse where it still stands Maximilian Lenz as a group member received success During the First World War Lenz produced several posters for the Central Powers. Lenz died in 1948.
1860-ban született Bécsben, tanulmányai befejeztével festő lett és litográfiákat is készített. Alapító tagja volt a Bécsi Szecesszionista művészeti társulásnak. 1903-ban elkísérte Klimt-et (szintén festő)Ravennába, ahol mindkettőjüket lenyűgözték a vallásos bizánci mozaikokon található arany díszítések. A második világháború alatt posztereket készített a Központi Hatalmaknak. Az 1890-es évek elején bankjegyeket is tervezett. 1948-ban halt meg.

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