HOl van az a kripta, ami csak csontokbol de inkább koponyákbol van kirakva? Szlovák? Vagy cseh? Osztrák? Nagyon szeretném meglátogatni, de nem emlékszem már hol van.

Csak a neve torony, úgyhogy azthiszem mégis ezt keresed:
Ćele Kula, in Turkish the Tower of Sculls, was built from the sculls of the Serbs killed in the battle of Cegar, near Nis, in May 1809. It is of rectangular shape, about 3 m high and was built from quicklime, sand and the skinned sculls according to the order of Khurshid Pasha who sent the skulls filled with cotton to the Sultan in Istanbul. Each side of the Tower has 14 rows with 17 openings where the sculls were embedded. There were around 950 sculls, but today only 58 have remained. The rest were pulled out to be buried or were lost in time. In 1892 a chapel was built around the Tower, according to a design of a Belgrade architect Dimitrie T. Leko.
Europe became to know about this horrible monument of Serbian martyrdom from a work "Voyage to East" by a French poet Alfonce de Lamartine (1790 - 1869).

Nem kripta, hanem templom és Kutná Hora városban van.

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