Nektek tetszik? Angolra kellet írni egy rövid történetet.
Figyelt kérdés
Once upon a time Katherine found a really old map at her grandparents house. The map showed where Camelot was. She always liked the stories of king Arthur. Many years later Katherine decided to go to that palce. She set her tent up in a clearing. Then she went with a boat close to the water fall because the legend said that the water fall had a magical power and grant one wish. She made her wish and she was thrilled what will happen. Suddenly the weather becames cold and everything went dark. Something was rising out of the water it looked like a water gohst it nodded then disappeared and everything was normal again. Katherine decided to go back to her tent and waited there. But as she was walking in the forest she realised that it was different. She was lost she thought she had missed the path but she had no time to think about it. A group of men noticed her and started chaseing her. By the time she tried to hide they captured her. She tried to escape but she didn’t know what to do. The bandits binded her with a rope and they knocked her out.When she came to life she tried to cut the rope with her pocket knife but she cut herself instead. To her surprise men on horseback came and they satrted fighting with the bandits. They looked like knights and Katherine recognized the mark on them it was king Artur’s mark. So her wish came. She felt safe now she was rescued. The knights killed the bandits and a strange looking old men went to Katherine he spoke a language that Katherine didn’t understand but the ropes disappeared from her hands. „My name is Merlin” he said.Katherine wanted to sake hands but her hand was bleeding very hard. Merlin smiled and healed it and there was just a scar on it. Then another man came and he said he was king Arthur and he stubbed Katherine. „You aren’ belongs here just open up your eyes” he said. Katherine was scared but then she woke up an she relieved she was just fell asleap but then she saw the scar on her hand. Was it really happened? It will be a mistery forever.2011. dec. 18. 21:17
1/2 anonim 


mozgalmas kis történet, és a pár nyelvtani bakitól eltekintve nekem tetszett, és sztem jó
2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
2011. dec. 21. 18:57
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