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Figyelt kérdés

Még nem fejeztem be teljesen mert akarok még javítani rajta.Gitárral szerintem biztos jobban hangzana az egész.Szerintem nem kellennek rímek ahoz,hogy egy szép dallamot alkoss ^^

This year is summer

Is not like any other

Cuz this summer should feel

Happy and filled with beauty

And with a a warm wind that pass ur face

But this summer feels cold

This summer feels weird

It's not the kind of summer that i always imagined to be.

I imagined it to be beautiful like us

This year is summer

Will not be like any other

Cuz this summer doesn't feel like

Any summer it feels like a really cold winter

And this summer feels cold

This summer feels weird

It's not the kind of summer that i always imagined to be

I imagined it to be beautiful like us

But it became so ugly

It became so ugly that i didn't even recognize it

It was like a horror movie scene

This summer is bad

This summer is the worst

This summer yeah this summer yeah this summer feels the worst

This summer is not the kind of summer i imagined it to be

Not the kind of summer o

Yeah not the kind of summer

This summer is not the kind of summer i always imagined it to be

Remélem elmegy :)

2020. júl. 15. 20:28
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Nekem tetszik💕
2020. júl. 20. 13:43
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
2020. júl. 20. 16:47

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