Ebben a szövegben ha van akkor mi a hiba? (angol)
My favourite movie is the High School.Becuse it is very funny and ’’spinner”.
The film is about , Henry is an excellent student between graduate students.
Henry is an excellent student between graduate students.
But before Henry write a big test , try it smoke one weed cigarette with "friend"
But the High school tomorrow has drug test.
Therefore somehow they “should be clean.”
the great idea was to make weed cookies because the school was a bakery shop
this idea / plan also succeeded
but they called the police and then things were pretty strange about the headmaster and the police finally took him out
in a nutshell that's it……….
a végén azt akartam összehozni , hogy de végűl kihívták a rendőröket és furcsa dolgok /tények kerültek elő az igazgatóról és ezért őt vitték el...
A spinner it mit jelent?
Az egeszet at kell irni, az egesz helytelen.
a spinner gondolom pörgős lenne,de ilyen szó nincs,inkább fast-paced.
megpróbálom nem átfogalmazni
de azt mondom ha valamit nem tudunk helyen megfogalmazni,akkor próbáljuk máshogy/egyszerűbben
The film is about Henry who is an excellent student in his graduation year/final year in high school.
az a baj,hogy a graduate student már felsőoktatásban tanul.
a szóismétlés miatt nem írtam az,de a between helyett among kell ha több dolog közül "választunk".és akkor lehetne "excellent among graduating students"
But before Henry write a big test , try it smoke one weed cigarette with "friend".
But before writing an important(a big nekem fura itt) test,Henry tries out smoking weed with a friend.
but the high school is having a drug test the next day.
"is having" mert bár jövő,de biztosan bekövetkezik,konkrét ideje van (the next day)
"the next day" a tommorrow helyett,mert nem a mai napra vonatkoztatjuk,mivel ez egy sztori.
"the school was a bakery shop",itt nem tudom mire gondolsz.a suliban ezt oktatják,vagy van egy pékségük?
mindenesetre csak simán bakery.
"they called the police" kik? talán itt jobb lenne a passzív
the police were called and they found something was not right about the headmaster,so in the end it was him who was taken away.
(a police-os mondatra jöhet valami javaslat)
My favourite movie is “High School” because it is very funny and a blast.
In a nutshell, the film is about, Henry who has achieved the highest academic rank in his graduating class.
Before delivering his farewell speech, he decided to have a joint with his stoner friend. Unfortunately, the principal decides to run a random drug test on the very same day. Henry knows in order to keep his scholarship, he must be clean. So he comes up with the odd idea to steal some weed from a drug dealer and uses it to spike the cookies in the bakery shop, to make the entire school high.
The principal calls the police. Things get even weirder as during the investigation, the police uncover some pretty strange things about the headmaster and it is him who is taken away.
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