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Mit jelen ez az angol szöveg magyarul?

Figyelt kérdés

Basically if you don't have mobility or counter, don't go versus alone, be careful not to be isolated all of a sudden (be aware of your teammates positions and moves).

Tho I might say I saw some Lian rogues that made me sweat (probly in old builds).

You can work on her Slide ability in botmatches, but know that it's not an ability you can use anywhere. You must prepare a cover/backup spot in case you have to slide away. Doing that in middle of nowhere is garanteed death. No, you definetly want to slide quickly out of sight, and particularly in places that are difficult to aim in (stairs, behind barrels, balcony etc). Which basically means "don't play too far away from props, walls etc".

Lian is a "plan ahead" character, not as easy as she seems. But once you get to know the maps and the basic lian-spots, you can escape ez or even defeat her.

But take good notice : stay with the group if there is still one standing. If you are alone, try to hide or buy some time by distracting them off the payload. You are better dead after making them chase for 10secs, then trying to confront them and die within 2secs.

Lian has one weird advantage : she is so weak, she can bait any brainless player. That may be useful with a good party.don't get too close, and pick off one at a time (ya know, common logic) and you really can't go wrong with that many aim hacks at your disposal.

2018. szept. 11. 07:17
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
2018. szept. 16. 09:33
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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