Segíteni az angol házimba? Fogalmazást kell írnom egy napomról, de nem tudom, hogyan kezdjek hozzá!

Így kezdj hozzá:
I usually get up at 6:30.
Innen már menni fog. :-)

A day in my life usually starts at 6.30 am. That’s when my alarm wakes me up. Reluctantly, I get out of bed, head for the bathroom. Following this, I’ll have breakfast, check my school bag and reminders for the day. Heading out the door, I must walk briskly to the bus stop, as the bus tends to arrive on the dot, at 8 o’clock.
Folytssd tovabb.

"Angol tudasat, szokincset nem tudjuka kerdezonek"
De igen, tudjuk. Nincs neki. Egyik se. :)
Köszönöm mindenkinek, aki segített :) Megírtam. Átnéznétek kérlek, s elmondanátok a hibáimat?
I am writing this essay to tell my average day. A day in my life usually starts at 7. That’s when my alarm wakes me up. Reluctantly, I get out of bed, head for the bathroom. After this I have breakfast. I am went to school. I am listen the on classes. The breaks are boring. I am usually come home at 2. I have eat lunch. Then I'm playing with sister. Later, I read, I draw or with. I have diner at seven. After I take a bath. I construch my homework. Finally I go to sleep. So take a day.

Nagyon nem jo, tele hibakkal
I am writing here a little bit about an average day of mine.
A day in my life usually starts at 7. That’s when my alarm wakes me up. Reluctantly, I get out of bed, head for the bathroom. After this I have breakfast. Then I go to school.and attend classes. I find the breaks between lessons boring. I usually arrivr at home at 2. I eat lunch and have a little play with my sister. Later, I read or draw. The family usually has dinner at 7. After a bath, I study and do my homework. Finally I go to sleep.
So this is how a day goes in my life.
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