Helyesek az alábbi mondatok? Some, any, much, many
I have so many apples at home. My sister bought them in the local shop. She cost so much money,they were very expensive.But they're so sweet.
I have so much wine in the celler. My friend bring them from a local market.
I have some money in my wallet. I haven't so much money because I've lost my job.
If you will go to shopping to the market then buy some apples,please.
We have some foods at home,I think so. So we needn't to go shopping now.
If you brought any apples from the supermarket then I will to give some apples my friends because they can't buy but they really like them.
We haven't so much milk in our fridge I think so, and we need to buy many apples,oranges becaues I ate all of them last night,By the way.. I think ran out the bread also yesterday night so we need to buy much fresh bread.
If you like the fruits than you can find some apples,bananas etc
Would you like to drink some tea? Szeretnél inni valami teát?
I would like to buy some nice apples. Szeretnék vásárolni néhány szép almát.
Sorry,could you give me some apples,please? Elnézést,tudna nekem adni néhány almát?
Have we any fruits at home? Yes, I have some apples in the kitchen./Yes,we have. You can find so many fruits in the kitchen./Yes,there are so many appels on the table.
No we haven't any appels at home so we need to buy.
Remélem érthetőek.:D A lényeg h az angol mondatok legyenek jók. :)

Nekem túl sok az "olyan", a nagyját kihúznám, szóval azt inkább ráhagyom másra.
- at the local shop
- It cost her a lot of money
- My friend brought it
- (I haven't too much because...)
- some food, I think.
- If you brought apples from the supermarket, I would give my friends some of them/I would some of them to my friends
- (We haven't got much milk in the fridge, I think, and...)
- I think we ran out of the bread, too, last nihgt (jó a yesterday night is) - much fresh bread szerintem felesleges, de ha ki akarod írni, 'some fresh bread'
- If you like fruit you can... (bár ezt nem egészen értem - ha szereted a gyümölcsöt, kereshetsz/találhatsz néhány... ???)
- Would you like some tea? (nem hibás a to drink, de én nem tenném bele) - Kérsz teát?
- A 'sorry' esemény utáni tabletta, nem használják ebben az értelemben. Az esemény előtti az "excuse me', de angolul nem mondanak ilyesmit, elég a please.
- Have we got any fruit/Do we have any fruit? -- Yes, we've got some.../Yes, we have... - és a rövid válasz: Yes, we have/Yes, we do. -- Nem tudom megmagyarázni, de inkább lot of-fal mondanám: You can find a lot (of fruit) in the kitchen./Yes, there many/a lot of/lots of apples...
- No, we haven't got any apples/No, we don't have any apples
(bocs, ha valamit elnéztem)

Máris javítok:
(I haven't too much because...) > I haven't got/I don't have... -- sorry.
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