Angol háziban tudnátok segíteni?
Nem tudom azt se, hogy miket is kéne beírni. Németet tanultam általánosban, és most középiskolában muszály angolt, és ilyen nehéz feladatokat adnak egyből. Dolgozatban is ilyen lesz, nem akarok megbukni angolból, segítsen aki tud, köszönöm.
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form or word.
Write your answers into the table below.
What is a Good Website Like
I’m not a web designer so what I am writing down now is the opinion of a layperson.
As I often browse internet sites – ……1…. looking for information in connection with my work – I definitely have certain expectations and ideas. They ……2…. not be professional, neither very logically structured – ……3…. they reflect the opinion of someone who is an experienced internet surfer.
I think there are several definite expectations ……4…. the information on the site like easy navigation, not too crowded pages, internal and external links, some multimedia elements, pleasant graphical interface etc.
I don’t like to read too much so I want the information to be well-structured and logical. I don’t want to be distracted by loud music or harsh colors: let me decide ……5…. I want to watch some extra animation or listen to sample songs.
I’m a ……6…. impatient browser: if possible I don’t want to waste my time waiting for the page to download: the fewer animations, images the faster I can assess the opening page.
Please remember, ……7…. you put too many promising external links, I’m sure to lose my way and never return to ……8…. I have originally wanted to find.
Another thing: try to find some URL address……9…. is easy to remember. OK, I have my favorites but ……10…. among them it is very difficult to find a website about computer components if the URL says
Am I and exception or just the average internet surfer? I don’t know. What I know is: the internet is such a vast place that I badly need help and guidance to find my way around it!

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