Valaki aki jó angolból le tudná nekem fordítani ezt a 4 mondatot please?
1. Nincs annál nehezebb, mint a végsőkig kitartani.
2. Nincs erős ember könnyű élettel a háta mögött.
3. Az emberek azt gondolják, hogy megőrültél amikor olyan dolgokról beszélsz amire ők képtelenek lennének.
4. Aki sír de nem változtat, annak még nem fáj eléggé.
There is nothing harder than to keep up until the end.
There is no strong men with easy life behind their back.
People think that you are crazy when you talk about things they couldn't do.
Remelem megfelel. :)
Someone who cries but doesn't change anything, then the person hasn't been hurt enough yet.

There is nothing more difficult than holding out to the end.
There is no strong man with an easy life behind his back.
People think you are crazy when you are talking about things they wouldn't be able do.
Someone who cries but doesn't change anything is a person who hasn't been hurt enough yet.
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