Jól fordítottam le a következő mondatokat, ha nem hogyan van helyesen angolul, ne online fordítóval légyszíves?
1. A rendőröknek jegyzőkönyvbe kell venni minden rendőri intézkedést ami ezen a fesztiválon történik. Fel kell tüntetni benne a lefoglalt cuccokat.
The police have to register every police action that happens in this festival.
2.A rendőrök őrizetbe fognak venni.
The police will take you in charge.
3.Megbírságoltak 30ezer forintra amiért az autó hátsó lámpája nem világított. A csekket 30 napon belül be kell fizetni.
You are fined for 30thousands forint because your car's rare light didn't work. You have to pay in the cheque within 30 days.
Vagy ez még lehet ez?: You gave a penalty for 30 thousand forint because...
4.Lefoglaljuk és elkobozzuk az áruját.
We are going to cinfiscate and arrest all her goods.

Én így írnám:
4.Lefoglaljuk és elkobozzuk az áruját.
We are cinfiscating the improunded all her/your goods.
We are seizing and confiscating all her/your goods.

1. The police officers have to document all police actions taken during this festival.
The confiscated belongings need to be registered.

3. I was fined 30000 forints because my tail/rear lights were not in working order.
The fine is due to be paid within 30 days./ The fine is payable within the next 30 days.

The police have to make notes of every of their action that takes place at this festival.
All the properties having seized are to be listed.
The police will take you in detain.
I was fined 30,000 forints because my car's rear light didn't function. I was to pay the check within 30 days.
We are going to levy and confiscate all your goods.

Cheque/check ertelmezese/hasznalata angolban elter a magyartol.
itt a check az fine, amugy bill.

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