Lefordítanátok nekem pár dolgot angolra?
Emelt szintű angol érettségi
Leküzdeni a lámpalázat
Jelentkezni egy egyetemre humán erőforrások szakra
A zene építi a lelket és a személyiséget
Talán közhelynek hangzik, de igaz
Megszerettem őt
Magyarul sem tudom kifejezni/elmondani
High Level English Exam/Graduation
Overcome of the stage fright = "felül kerekedni"
Apply to a unersity to ......(:D)
The music raise the soul and the personality
It's maybe sounds mainstream but its truth
I came to like them
Nem biztos, hogy jók.
Defeat stage fright.
Apply to a university for a human resources programme.
Music builds the soul and personality.
It might sound like a cliche but it's true.
I cannot even express it in Hungarian.
To apply to college to Human Resources major.
Music raises the soul and develops personality.
It may sound an adage but it is true.
I have taken to her.
I cannot express it either in Hungarian.
Certificate of Secondary Education of Higher Level of English Language Examination
Defeat/overcome/conquer stage fright
To apply for an university human resources course
Music builds the soul and the personality/character
It might sound like a cliche but it is true
I grew to like/love him/her
Even in Hungarian I cannot express myself/tell you.
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