Angol levél. Mit írnátok másképpen, milyen helyesírási és szókincsbeli hibáim vannak?
Dear James,
I would like to thank you very much for the invitation. I was glad when I read your previous letter. Since I have an active lifestyle, I find adventure holidays extremely interesting and fun. Once my brother went on a holiday of this kind and his stories were fascinating.
To tell the truth, the Norwegian wildlife is the thing that I absolutely want to see and take a lot of pictures of. I am so fond of nature and I am curious of how close do the animals let us to them. In my point of view this is the best thing in the whole journey.
However, I have some questions. First of all, how do we get o Norway and is it free? Because I am not ready to buy an airplane ticket. Secondly, where is the accomodation going to take place?
I am waiting for your answer.
Best wishes,

To tell the truth, the Norwegian wildlife is the thing that I absolutely want to see and take a lot of pictures of.
To tell the truth, the Norwegian wildlife is the thing that I absolutely want to see and take a lot of pictures of it.
I am so fond of nature and I am curious of how close do the animals let us to them.
I am so fond of nature and I am curious of how close the animals let us to them.
First of all, how do we get o Norway and is it free?
First of all, how do we get to Norway and is it free?
Secondly, where is the accomodation going to take place?
Second, where is the accommodation?

Ki lehet javítgatni a hibákat, ahogy #1) elkezdte ... Voltak és maradtak is benne hibák, bár nem tragikusan sok. A legszembetűnőbb az a stilisztikai baki, hogy aki arra apellál, hogy kifizessék neki a rep.jegyét, az nem írhat le olyan udvariatlanságot (sőt, ez már tulajdonképpen pofátlanság), hogy "... is it free? Because I am not ready to buy an airplane ticket", hiszen ez azt implikálja, hogy a levél írójának ugyan lenne rávalója, de nem kész arra (ebben az esetben a "ready" ua. jelenti, mint a "willing", tehát hogy hajlandó), hogy ő maga vegye meg.
Én nem kezdtek itt bele a javítgatásba, inkább írok gyorsan egy lehetséges "angolosabb" verziót, ebből talán többet lehet tanulni:
Dear James,
Thank you very much for your invitation. I was very pleased by your letter. Since I lead an active lifestyle, I find adventure holidays extremely interesting and fun. I remember how thrilled I was by the stories of my brother after his return from a holiday like this.
I must say, the wildlife in Norway is something I absolutely want to see and take a lot of pictures of. I love nature and I am curious about how close we can observe wild animals. I guess this is definitely the highlight of journeys like this.
However, I would like to ask you a few questions first. How do we get to Norway and are there any costs involved with it? I shall not hide the fact that in my present situation I cannot afford a flight ticket to Norway. I would also like to know something about the places and the kind of accommodation we are going to stay at during our journey.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes,

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