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Valaki aki jól tud angolul, vagy legalább alapfokon, az tudna egy kicsit segíteni?

Figyelt kérdés

Holnapra kell egy angol szöveg ,és én a Big Ben-ről írtam ,de nem tudom ,hogy jó e. Ha valaki végigolvasná (nem olyan hosszú) ,és megírná ,a szövegben lévő hibákat ,vagy csak annyit ,hogy jó ,azt nagyon megköszönném.

Big Ben

The bells

The Big Ben is the bell in the tower clock of the Westminster Palace. The original tower clock of the Westminster Palace is burned in the conflagration of 1834. Edmund Beckett Dennison designed the new tower clock. „John Warner and sons” built the five bell ,but the biggest bell was 16 tons instead of 14. The tower was not ready ,so the bell was place in the New Palace Yard. The bell is cracked in here ,so the new bell was ready in 1858 by George Mears

The clockwork

Edward John Dent started the clockwork in 1852 ,but he dead in 1853 ,so his nephew finished it.

The clockwork finished in 1854 and it was 5 tons.

The tower

The construction of the tower was start in 1843 and finished after 13 years.

The name of the tower is Elizabeth – Tower ,and it is 96 meter high.


-The BBC Radio 4 is broadcast the din-dong of the Big Ben.

- Big Ben is a name of a vulcan in Antartica

2015. nov. 25. 16:23
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

"The original tower clock of the Westminster Palace is burned in the conflagration of 1834." - itt was burned/burnt, mert múlt idő

"The tower was not ready ,so the bell was place in the New Palace Yard." - place helyett placed

"The bell is cracked in here ,so the new bell was ready in 1858 by George Mears " - itt nem teljesen értem mit akarsz, a harang megrepedt ott? Ebben az esetben: The bell cracked in there, a new bell was ready in 1858, made by George Mears

"Edward John Dent started the clockwork in 1852 ,but he dead in 1853 ,so his nephew finished it.

The clockwork finished in 1854 and it was 5 tons." - started önmagában nem elég, started building mondjuk jó lenne helyette. he died (nem dead) in 1853...

"The construction of the tower was start in 1843 and finished after 13 years. " - start helyett started és finished helyett was finished

"The name of the tower is Elizabeth – Tower ,and it is 96 meter high. " - it is 96 metres high

"The BBC Radio 4 is broadcast the din-dong of the Big Ben." - BBC Radio 4 broadcasts the ding-dong of the Big Ben.

2015. nov. 25. 17:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 gago77 ***** válasza:

Ezt azért olvasd el ;)


2015. nov. 26. 13:08
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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