El tudnátok magyarázni, hogy mi a különbség az apparently és az obviously között?

Obviously - nyilvanvalolag
It is obvious for everyone to see
Apparently - latszolag
Apparently he was happy with the decision but inside he was seething.
Latszolag elfogadta a dontest de belulrol mergelodott
He appeared happy. Boldognak nezett ki.

Apparently - így hallottad, ezt mondják, de nem biztos
Obviously - logikus, ezt mindenki így gondolja, biztosan így van

Normally, the word obviously implies that there is direct evidence of something, and you are convinced that it is true: e.g., if you say ”He is obviously taller than his brother”, then you firmly believe this, maybe because you have seen the person and his brother standing next to one another.
On the other hand, the word apparently generally means that something appears to be true (based on visual, verbal or other evidence), but you are not completely sure that it is. If you say, "Apparently, he is taller than his brother”, maybe you have seen a photograph of this person and his brother, but you don't find these photographs completely convincing as evidence (e.g., maybe the photo does not show their legs).

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