A Harry Potter elolvasásához (angol) elég a B2-es szint?

Itt bele tudsz lapozni:

Én itt olvastam pár könyvet:
Vannak rövid történetek is. Sokféle téma és szerintem tanulás szempontjából a ponyva is belefér.

"After that they didn't have much chance to talk. Their earmuffs were back on and they needed to concentrate on the Mandrakes. Professor Sprout had made it look extremely easy, but it wasn't. The Mandrakes didn't like coming out of the earth, but didn't seem to want to go back into it either. They squirmed, kicked, flailed their sharp little fists, and gnashed their teeth; Harry spent ten whole minutes trying to squash a
particularly fat one into a pot."
A varázslós szókincsen kívül igen hétköznapi a nyelvezete... Szó nincs olyanokról, ami egy vájtnyelvűbb krimiben olvasható: it has to be seen to be believed, vagy itt van egy újságíró-író, aki rettenetes primitívre vett szlengben is írt krimiket Lemmy Caution főszereplésével, de ilyeneket is írt: An antiquated owl, denizen of one of the trees in the wood near the inn, hooted dolorously as if he had made up his mind to contribute something to the sombre atmosphere which enshrouded him.
Ezekhez képest Rowling egy simplified verson. :)

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