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Mit jelent ez az angol szöveg magyarul?

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Mod Details

This is an external link to the Multi Fruit Mod from upsidedown.

Due to changes made by Giants to FS15 we have a big difference in how fruits are now handled.

One of things that has really made a difference is that since the textures of the fillPlanes and particle animations lie in the vehicles themselves no longer is the Multi Fruit mod dependent on matching textures in the vehicles plane itself.

As a result vehicle equipment is now better supported.

Why two zips? Yes this mod includes 2 zipped files and both are needed for this to work correctly!!!

FS15 Multi Fruit Maps

In the ZZZ_MULTIFRUIT.ZIP the script that does all the work is located in here.

This zip you need, and if you do not know what you're doing, then there's also no reason to touch it just place into your mod folder as is.

Here, for each new fruit type / fillType ( new = "sunflower" be) registered under what template files in normal vehicles ( subStd = "rape" ),

insulation works ( subCutter = "maize" ) and seeders ( subSowing = "maize" ) is to be seen.

There can be any number of modules in the mods folder, which are all considered.

Standard module

First, the standard module equips several new fruit varieties.

These are: sunflower, oat, rye, clover, alfalfa, soybean, rice, hemp, millet, spelled, triticale, poppies, green wheat, lime.

In addition, it extends the functional area of some equipment (especially blades and trailers) within the existing fillTypes.

You can now also now load manure, silage, compound feed, grass and hay with any device that is also capable of transporting chopped material.

Thus, all the problems that had some of the Fahrsilo Extension + BGA extension with grass silage should be a thing of the past.

Thanks to

Eribus for great artwork

JakobT + biedens / mogli, without the aid of tools and I have long had desperately

bull gore for tireless testing and the great cooperation with the parallel multi-Fruit MIG project.

Ifkonator who has offered the addFillType a very well-made interim solution that has given me the time to get the + MF in peace and tidy on FS15 stand.

FAQ / known issues:

No, Fruit + Multi-Mod upgraded not the maps after.

Yes , must have both zips in the folder. Without module makes the script: Nothing.

When the wheat textures are displayed in sunflower, etc., this is because the corresponding textures are not incorporated into the map.

Conflicts with the addFillType (the little brother of the Multi Fruit) by Ifkonator, this mod is no longer be needed.

When chopping / threshing sunflowers Unfortunately the corn-PS is displayed.

És itt a link is, innen van a szöveg: [link]

2015. júl. 3. 17:35
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:
lol, mit fizetsz?
2015. júl. 3. 18:01
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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