Forditas segitene valaki? Shakespeare: Hamlet
Valaki segitsen lefordítani a következő szöveget legyen szíves.:)
Basic/brief overview of the story Hamlet by Shakespeare
Hamlet,Prince of Denmark, is visited by the ghost of his father and told that his uncle Claudius,who is now King, was responsible for his murder.Hamlet is torn about trying to avenge him, and ends up pretending to be insane. He hires actors to do a play about a man who kills his brother to become king to see Claudius‘ reaction. Hamlet confirms that Claudius was responsible, ends up being abusive to his mother Gertrude for shacking up with the murderer of his father, and murders his girlfriend Ophelia's dad thinking that it's Claudius. Ophelia goes insane from having her boyfriend kill her dad and dies. Her brother Laertes is pissed and is convinced by Claudius to kill Hamlet. The two duel, and both are fatally injured. Gertrude accidentally drinks the poison that Claudius had prepared for Hamlet and dies. Hamlet manages to kill Claudius before finally dying.
Ebbol fogunk dolgozatot irni ráadásul órán se voltam.:(
Az elso harom mondat megvan de a tobbi nem megy, belezavarodtam:( Foleg inkabb a negyedik.
Legyetek szivesek segíteni és leforditani a 3.mondattol!
Nagyon szepen köszönöm!!!

Hamlet confirms that Claudius was responsible, ends up being abusive to his mother Gertrude for shacking up with the murderer of his father, and murders his girlfriend Ophelia's dad thinking that it's Claudius.
Hamlet megállapítja, hogy Claudius a felelős apja haláláért, abbahygaja azt, h anyját okolja apja haláláért
és megöli Ophelia apját abban a hiszemben, h Claudius
Ophelia goes insane from having her boyfriend kill her dad and dies. Her brother Laertes is pissed and is convinced by Claudius to kill Hamlet. The two duel, and both are fatally injured. Gertrude accidentally drinks the poison that Claudius had prepared for Hamlet and dies. Hamlet manages to kill Claudius before finally dying.

Hamlet manages to kill Claudius before finally dying
Hamletnek még sikerül Claudiust megölnie miletőtt meghalna -
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