Valaki eltudná magyarázni a szenvedő szerkezetet (angol)?
Amit tudok: Képzése: to be ragozott alakja a megfelelő igeidőben + az ige 3. alakja (Past Participle)
plusz, hogy inkább a cselekvésen van a hangsúly , nem pedig a személyen?
xy had been played in the garden. <---does it make sense?
Mr .Sullivan teaches us grammar..
Grammar is be taught by Mr.S ezt gondoltam volna, de nem ez a jó. Grammar was taught by Mr.S.
Ez miért van?
Azért van, mert az egyszerű múltból képezett szenvedő szerkezetet így képzed.
'was'/'were' (attól függően hogy egyes szám / megszámlálhatatlan vagy többes szám) + az ige 3. alakja.
Egyszerű jelenes az lehetne:
Grammar is taught by Mr.S.. ('is' + az ige 3. alakja.)
Folyamatos jelen az meg lehetne:
Grammar is being taught by Mr.S.. ('is being' + az ige 3. alakja.)
Utóbbi kettőnél logikusan 'are' van 'is' helyett, ha többes számban áll az, ami elszenvedi a taníttatást. A tiéd semmiképp nem jó.
most magamtól csinálltam:
The man sees the dog. The dog is seen by the man.
The lady buys the book. The book is bought by the lady.
The cat finds the mouse. The mouse is found by the cat
We saw the movie. The movie was seen by us.
They ate the watermelon slices. The watermelon slices were eaten .
My father saved the lady. The lady was saved by my father.
His sister has found the pencil.The pencil have been found by his sister.
My children sing the song. The song is sang by my children.
You buy the souvenir. The souvenir is bought by you.
The parents raise the child. The child is risen by the parents.
My colleagues greeted me. I was greeted by my colleagues.
He reads many manuscripts. Manuscripts are read by him.
Amiket magadtól csináltál, azok jók! Érted már a lényegét!
A sing 3. alakja sung, amit elírtál. A többi jó.
We drink coffee -> Coffee is drunk by us.
We drank coffee -> Coffee was drunk by us.
We have drunk coffee -> Coffee has been drunk by us.
We will drink coffee -> Coffee will be drunk by us.
Fontos, hogy legyen tárgy a mondatban, hogy az ige tárgyas legyen. (Itt: coffee), különben nem tudsz szenvedő mondatot alkotni, mert nem tudsz mit tenni az elejére. Pont ezért is nem volt jó, amit még a kérdésedben írtál mondatot. De most már érted.
Lenne még itt valami:
1. Pavarotti sang the romantic aria “Mangio bene”.
The romantic aria "Mangio bene"was sung by Pavarotti.
2. The bus driver left me standing at the corner.
I was left standing at the corner by the busdriver.
3. Squirrels ate all the nuts on our pecan trees.
All the nuts were eaten on our pecan trees by squirrels
4. The big bug ate the little bug while the bird watched in disbelief.
The bird watched in disbelied while the big bug eaten the little bug.
5. His sister threw a book at him.
A book was thrown at him by his sister.
6. The weightlifter dropped the barbell on his trainer’s foot.
The barbell was dropped by the weightlifter on his trainer 's foot.
7. Only one country in the world speaks Hungarian as an official language.
Hungarian is spoken only one country in the world as an official language.
8. The Earth orbits the Sun.
The Sun is orbited by the Earth.
9. The falling tree made a huge crashing sound.
A huge crashing sound made by the falling tree.
10. Judy Garland played the role of Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz”.
The role of Dorothy in the "Wizard of Oz" was playes by Judy Garland.
11. The tornado left a path of destruction across the entire city.
A path of destruction was left by the tornado across the city.
12. He threw the empty pizza pan on the floor to get the waiter to come.
The empty pizza pan was thrown on the floor by him to get the waite come.
13. A bum found the used paint roller in the garbage can.
The used paint roller was found by the bum in the garbage can.
14. The severely cold weather apparently killed all the orange trees.
All the orange trees were killed by the the severly cold weather.
15. Walt Disney built Disneyland with money earned from his cartoon feature movies.
Disneyland was built by Walt Disney with money earned his cartoon feature movies.
16. The gladiators were fighting a fierce battle when the Caesar suddenly got up and left the Colosseum.
A fierce battle was fought by the Gladiators when .....
17. The Colorado River carved out the Grand Canyon over millions of years.
The Grand Canyon was carved out by The Colorado River over millions of years.
18. The Prague taxi driver overcharged the ignorant foreigner.
The ignorant forigner was overcharged by the Prague taxi driver.
19. The North Korean dictator had his own uncle executed.
20. The explosion blew the toilet bowl to smithereens! (= into little pieces) The toilet was blown to smithereens by the explosion.
A 6, 12, 16, 19-et nemértem...Köszönöm az eddigi válaszokat!!
6) A súlyemelő a súlyzót az edzője lábára ejtette. -> A súlyzó rá lett ejtve a súlyemelő edzőjének a lábára.
12) Ő (férfi) a földre dobta az üres pizzatálat (?), hogy jöjjön a pincér. (bocsi, ha értelmetlen, de ilyen mondatot...) -> Az üres pizzatál a földre lett dobva (a férfi által), hogy jöjjön a pincér.
16) A gladiátorok egy ádáz csatában küzdöttek, mikor Ceasar hirtelen felállt és elhagyta a Colosseumot. (angolul a Ceasar elé nem kell a 'the'!) -> Egy ádáz csata volt küzdve (?) a gladiátorok által, mikor...
19) The North Korean dictator had his own uncle executed. -> The North Korean dictator's own uncle was executed (by his command).
Az észak-koreai diktátor kivégeztette a saját nagybátyját. -> Az észak-koreai diktátor saját nagybátyja kivégezve lett (az ő utasítására).
Bocsi, ha a magyar fordítás néhol értelmetlen volt, de a lényeget remélem, megértetted. :) Ezeket is te írtad? Nem olvastam végig mindet, de amiket írtad, hogy nem érted, azokat leírtam, illetve kijavítottam (16.)
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