Tudnatok írni nekem egy fogalmazást angolul? Cím: my holiday

Kamuzzál, senki nem azt kéri tőled, hogy igazat írjál. Középfokú nyelvvizsgán sem feltétlenül jársz jól, ha nem tudsz jól hazudni.
Szerdán január 2-án kinn voltam a kertben és a kutyámmal hógolyóztam. A kutyám hirtelen pukizott egy nagyot. Én nagyon zavarba jöttem, mert ez merőben új volt a kutyustól. Az osztálytársaim azt mondták, hogyha nem kérek bocsánatot az incidens miatt (aminek ők is fül- és orrtanúi voltak), akkor nem beszélnek többet velem.
Már majdnem negyed oldalt írtam neked. És ez 1 percembe került kábé.
Kaptam, egy másik segítséget amit átalakítottam és ez lett a vége:
I was looking forward to the start of the holiday. It was a winter holiday from December 20th to January 5th. Let me tell you in a few words about my experiences. I spent most of my time with my family and my friends. The first important moment of my winter holiday was the Holy Night. I was at home with my parents, i got some presents and we had good food together. I got It was very peaceful, I enjoyed it very much. The other two days of Christmas were spent with the other family members, it was good to see my cousins again, we had a good time together. Between the two holidays I met some of my friends, one day we went to the cinema. We saw the Turkey Island. The other day we went to Las Vegas and New York with my family and my friends. In Las Vegas we went to a big casino and we played poker a lot. It was very exciting. In New York we watched the city, it was beautiful. I went to my friends on New Year’s Eve. We had a good party. The last day I did my homework and prepared for school a little bit. In conclusion I had a great time during the winter holiday, and now I can't wait for the spring holiday to come!
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