Valaki kijavítani nekem?
Talk about your family:
I come from a big family. I live with my brother and parents.
I have got two brothers, Pista és István.
Pista my twin brother, but don't alike.
Pista is thirty years old and he is a student in the Nagy Kálmán school. He is an IT specialist.
István is twenty-five years old and he is a car driver in company.he is self-confident.My brothet and I often met. This time we speak a lot of or go to the cinema.
My father is shop manager and he is sixty years old.He is cheerful and honest
my mother is a secretary and she is fifty-five years old. She is patient, friendly and sensitive. My mother and I cook in the evening.
I resemble my father because guiet and honest.
My family and I often go on trip on weekends.
My parents sometimes go on teh theater.
My grandmother is retired.
I and my brother visited or help my grandmother.
We have got two cats.
Valaki kajavítani nekem segítene?

Nekem kicsit zavaros a sztori.
I come from a big family -
Jó! Egy nagy családból jöttem
I live with my brother and parents.
Ha két tesód van akkor így helyes. I live with my brothers and my parents. A tesóimmal és a szüleimmel lakom.
Pista my twin brother, but don't alike.
Pista is my twin brother but we don't look alike. Pista az ikertestvérem, de mi nem hasonlítunk.
Pista is thirty years old and he is a student in the Nagy Kálmán school.
Pista is thirty years old and he is a student at Nagy Kálmán University/College (30 évesen gondolom egyetem vagy fő suli) :)
He is an IT specialist. Jó! Ő egy informatikai szakember.
István is twenty-five years old and he is a car driver in a company.
István is twenty-five years old and he is a car driver at a company.
he is self-confident. Jó! Ő magabiztos.
My brothet and me often met.
My brothers and I/me often meet/ spend a lot of time together.
This time we speak a lot of or go to the cinema.
This time we are going to talk a lot or go to the cinema.
My father is shop manager and he is sixty years old.
My father is a shop manager and he is sixty years old.
He is cheerful and honest. Jó!
My mother is a secretary and she is fifty-five years old. Jó!
She is patient, friendly and sensitive. Jó!
My mother and I cook in the evenings. Jó! Ha azt akarod mondani hogy esténként anyukáddal szoktál főzni)
I resemble my father because guiet and honest.
I take after (általánosabb) my father because I'm also quiet and honest.
My family and I often go on trip on weekends. Jó ! Annyi hogy brit angolban at weekends
My parents sometimes go on teh theater.
My parents sometimes go to the theater.
My grandmother is retired. Jó!
I and my brother visited or help my grandmother.
My brothers and me often visit our grandma and we help her.
We have got two cats. Jó!
:D :D : D:D

About my family:
I come from a big family. I live with my brother and parents.
I have got two brothers, Pista és István.
Pista is my twin brother, but we are not alike.
Pista is thirty years old and he is a student in Nagy Kálmán ... school. He is an IT specialist.
István is twenty-five and he is a car driver for a company. He is self-confident. My brother and I often see one another. These times we talk a lot or go to the cinema.
My father is a shop manager. He is sixty.He is cheerful and honest.
My mother is a secretary. She is fifty-five. She is patient, friendly and sensitive. My mother and I usually cook in the evenings.
I resemble my father because he is quiet and honest.
My family and I often go on trips on the weekends.
My parents sometimes go to the theater.
My grandmother is retired.
Me and my brother visit or help my grandmother.
We have got two cats.
Uhh nagyon szépen köszönöm mindkettőtök segítségét, akkor ezt fogom megtanulni, azért jó sok hibám volt:(
Esetleg tudnátok még ebben is segíteni?
My favourite subject is Biology, because interested in plants, animals and human body composition.
We need to get to know the animals, plants living in the.
The biology teacher was very helpful in lessons very interesting.
I do not like Maths, because very hard and complicated.
My timetable is good.
There are forty teacher hours a week.
On Mondays and Fridays are the most hours.
On Tuesday is not my first lesson, so I get up later. This day is lazy.
On Thursday are many and difficult lessons.
On Wednesday is light.
My favourite subject is Biology, because I am interested in plants, animals and human body composition.
We need to know where the animals and plants live .
The biology teacher was very helpful in the lessons which were very interesting.
I do not like Maths, because it is very hard and complicated.
My timetable is good.
There are forty hours a week.
On Mondays and Fridays there are the most hours.
On Tuesday i have not got first lesson, so I can get up later. This day is lazy.
On Thursday there are many difficult lessons.
Wednesday is easy.
Köszönöm szépen.
Egy kicsit hülye kérdés, de honnan tudod, hogy mi benne a rossz? Értelmetlenül jön ki vagy nyelvtani a hiba benne?
Én ezt google fordítóval csináltam.

The environments is very important, because it can slow down global warming. Several environmentalists and environmental groups have been created but we can also protect the living place.
We turn off the lights, tvm computer and microwave when we don't use them. We use the green products for example recycled newspaper or ozone free aerosol. We use renewable sources of energy for example wind powe or solar power. We hazaordous waste for example pesticides motor oil and cooking oil.
Many people think that housework is women's work but not. We share the housework. Everyone cleaned their room. My mother and I clean the house and common areast. I clean the windows, vacuum the floor and do the washing up.My mum and I cook. My brother cut grass and washing cars. My dad cleaned the garden and takes out the rubbish. My mother does the shoppong and does the ironing.
In our school several types of exercises used to be, for example. We celebrate the twenty third of October, when we go to the cinema and watch a film about the Hungarian Revolution. At Chrismas there is a school play and we Celebrate Chrismas in the class.
In February there is a School dance for the school leaving students. Before spring brake there is ISZTI day. At the end of April there is School walk.
I live in Budapest.
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. Budapest has almost two million inhabitans. There are twenty-three districts in the city. Budapest is famous for the Matthias Church, Margaret Island, the Buda castle and Heroes Square.
I live in a detached house in the fifteeth distcrict. there are a lot of supermarket and shops.
There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and night clubs, where many young people at weekends. Unfortunately there is little green space where the kids can play.
The environmental protection (=környezetvédelem) is very important, because it can slow down global warming. Several (environmentalist=környezetvédő, aki egy ember, őt nem hozzák létre a create igével) environmental groups have been created, but we can also protect the places where we live.
We should (=kellene) turn off the lights, tv, computer and microwave oven when we don't use them. We should use the green products, for example recycled newspaper or ozone-free aerosol. We should use renewable energy sources, for example wind power or solar power. We should dispose the hazaordous waste (=ártalmatlanítani a veszélyes hulladékokat), for example pesticides, motor oil and cooking oil.
Many people think that housework is women's task, but it’s not. We should share the housework. Everyone should cleaned his/her room. My mother and I would (feltételes módot ezzel fejezed ki) clean the house and common areas. I would clean the windows, vacuum the floor and do the washing up. My mum and I would cook. My brother would mow the lawn (=füvet nyírna) and wash the cars. My dad would clean the garden and take out the rubbish. My mother would do the shopping and the ironing.
In our school there are several types of ceremonies, for example we celebrate the twenty third of October, when we go to the cinema and watch a film about the Hungarian Revolution. At Christmas there is a school play and we celebrate Christmas in the class.
In February there is a school leaver’s ball (=szalagavató bál) for the graduating students(=végzős diákok). Before Spring brake there is ISZTI day. At the end of April there is School walk (itt nem tudom mire gondoltál).
I live in Budapest.
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. It has almost two million inhabitants. There are twenty-three districts in the city. Budapest is famous for the Matthias Church, the Margaret Island, the Castle in Buda and the Heroes Square.
I live in a detached house in the fifteenth distcrict. There are a lot of supermarkets and shops.
There are a lot of cinemas, theatres and night clubs, where many young people spend their free time (=tölti a szabadidejét; kell valami állítmány a mondatrészbe) at weekends. Unfortunately there is just a little (=csak egy kicsi) green space where the kids can play.
Amúgy 6-os vagyok, és igen, értelmetlen is és nyelvtani hiba is van benne. Ha az ember sokáig tanul angolul egy idő után könnyen ráérez, hogy mi rossz, és az hogyan lenne jó. Magyarul se úgy mondod, hogy „kedden nem első órám, ezért felkelek később”. Meg persze azért szabályok is vannak bőven. :)
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