Lefordítaná nekem valaki angolra?

i my name I am Andi and 14 year one. I live in Hungary, in the capital in Budapest. A lot are very beautiful place, beautiful one with a man. I do not have a sibling, but 13 of my first cousins yes. I watch television in my spare time, or I go away with my brother, you are with my girlfriend to walk or into a cinema, or to shop.
I do not like it the rock music, my favourite gang: no! My favourite singer Beyonce and my singer no -Yo. I like the films, mainly the dramas on what it is possible to cry. My favourite film Heat and my favourite actor Andy Garcia. My school big, I have 18 classmates and the 8.b we walk. There is a buffet and until all of them from there I have breakfast. And if I will be big I will be adult, you are something hosting.
(nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy jó, de remélem)

My name is Andi and I'm 14 years old. I live in Hungary, in the capital city, Budapest, It is a beautiful place with lots of people. I have no sister, but I have 13 cousins. In my freetime I like to watch TV, go for a walk, or to the cinema with a friend and I also like shopping.
ez csak az eleje :D lusta vok

My name is Andi and I'm 14 years old. I live in Hungary, in the capital: Budapest. I don't have any siblings, but I have 13 cousins. In my freetime I like to watch TV, go for a walk, or go to a cinema with my brother/sister/friend and I also like shopping. I don't like rock music, I don't have any favourite band! :) My favorite singers are Beyonce & Ne-Yo. I like films, mainly dramas, which ones make me cry. My favourite film is Heat and my favourite actor is Andy Garcia. My school is big, I have 18 classmates, and I'm in grade 8(/b). In the school there is a buffet and every morning I have breakfast from there. If I will be adult I want to work in the hospitality.
első válaszolóé marhaság
tényleg ha nincs tesód hogy mész vele moziba?
a "brother/sister/friend" rész = fiútesó/lánytesó/barátnő
a végére gondolom azt akartad írni hogy felnőttként a vendéglátásban szeretnél dolgozni mert én azt fordítottam
nagyon szépen köszönöm!!!!
és nincs édes testvérem, csak 13 első unokatestvérem

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