FONTOS angolul kellene ez a pár mondat?
• Elnézést, bocsánat egy pillanatra
• XY vagyok
• szeretnék feltenni néhány kérdést a tehetséggondozási kurzussal kapcsoltban
• készen van, kezdhetjük?
• mi a kurzus célja mire fokuszál, miért jók, milyen előnyei vannak az ilyen típusú kurzusoknak?
• hogy fog felépülni a kurzus, mi lesz a diákok feladata?
• a kurzus keretein belül mi lesz a diákok feladata?
• mit tanulhatnak öntöl a hallgatók?
• egyéni vagy csapatmunka szükséges a feladatok megoldásához, melyikre épít a kurzus?
• köszönöm, ennyit szerettem volna
• ez volt minden
• Szép napot.
I'm sorry, excuse me for a moment.
my name is xy
I would like to ask you a few questions about the talent managnement courses.
What is that course disagned? What do you focus on? Why are they good for? What are the adventages of this type of courses?
How to revocer from the course, we will have the students doing?
Within the cours, students will we do?
What students can learn from you?
Individual or team work necessary to solve the tasks, which of course we build?
Thank you, that's all i wanted!
That was all.
Have a nice day.
Excuse me, can I have a moment, please.
I am XY
I would like to ask a few questions in relation with the talent nursing courses.
Are you ready? Can we start?
What is the aim of the course? What does it focus on? Why are they appropriate? What advantages do these type of courses have?
How is the course structured?, What kind of tasks will students have?
In the main frame of the course, what tasks will students need to carry out?
What could students learn from you?
Individual or team work is necessary to solve these tasks? Which of these two the course is more based on?
Thank you. That's all I wanted!
That was all.
Have a nice day!
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