Helyesek a következő mondatok angolul?
There is a 40 daily fast before Eastern and during this time, people theoretically does not may eat meat or at least during this time stop with the addiction.
Húsvét előtt van egy negyven napos böjt, ami alatt elméletileg nem szabad húst enni, de legalábbis a káros szenvedélyekkel fel kell hagyni.
This day is the hardest day.
Ez a nap a legszigorúbb nap.
On this day, people took down Jesus from the cross and it was buried.
Ezen a napon szedték le jézust a keresztről és temették el.

40-day fast / fasting period
(daily=napi rendszerességű)
in theory, people don't eat meat / shouldn't eat meat
...during this time they (should) refrain from their bad or harmful habits.
...and his body was buried.

There is a 40 day long fast before Eastern, meanwhile people theoretically may not eat meal, or rather have to give up the addiction.
2. jó.
This day Jesus was taken down from the cross and was buried.

"There is a 40 day long fast before Eastern, meanwhile people theoretically may not eat meal, or rather have to give up the addiction. "
Forgive me for asking, but what on God's green earth does this mean ???
" may not eat meal " or " give up the addiction" ??
Come on people, did you all win your state exam on the lottery ?

to # 4 :
My remark was directed towards the flawed response of #2 not towards the person asking the question
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