Valaki aki nagyon jól tud angolul segítene nekem írni egy angol levelet? Köszönöm előre is!
Erre kéne válaszolni:
Dear Editor,
I am a 16-year-old teenager and I am very unhappy.All my friends are slim and pretty,going out with boys and having much fun.I am over-weight and not pretty enought to have boyfriends.The only thing I can do in my spare time is sit in front of the TV and watch those love srories and all those good-looking men and women in them.I have been told one hundred times to lose weight but I simply can\\\\\\\'t give up eating those delicious cakes,cookies and biscuits.Is it at all possible to stop munching on when I\\\\\\\'m reading or watching television?I\\\\\\\'m eager to read your advice.
Respond to her giving your opinion on the following points:
-only slim girls have boyfriend?
-deciding what is more important
-being able to keep to decision
-changing lifestyle-how?
(120 szónak kell lennie)

Én nem írom meg helyetted, majd más, de...
Annyira egyszerű lenne neked. Elvileg ismered az összes szót, csak le kellene fordítanod egybe, aztán magyarul válaszolni és visszafordítani angolra. Mi okoz ebben neked gondot?

Dear Suzie
You don’t have to worry about your weight all day long. Everyone has different taste in what he/she likes. The slim girls aren’t the only one who get boyfriends. There are a lots of boys who like girls with your body type. You don’t have to be perfect to find someone who understands you. The other thing is that you can make a decision about your lifestyle, after thinking things over. On one hand you like non healthy food, but on the other hand you want to lose weight. There are different ways to be and feel healthy and beautiful. You can have a bit of fruits and vegetables at everytime. If you think this is monotone than try to make fruit salads, eat fish instead of red meat etc.
You can change you body with a regular but not too hard motion as well. You don’t need running or weightlifting. Go walking with your girlfriends or with your dog.
You know what you want and you are the only one who can make things change.
Don’t be sad if your body changes slowly, it takes time. While you and your body changes you can search for nice and sympathetic boys and girls, who show patience and help you to keep to your decision.
Good Luck Suzie
Take care
Írd át ha nem tetszik
Másodiknak nagyon szépen köszönöm nagyon rendes vagy!:)
Már megírtam magamtól,de a tied is nagyon jó lett és majd veszek át belőle dolgokat.
Mégegyszer nagyon köszi:)
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