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Le fordítaná ezt nekem valaki?

Figyelt kérdés

Nagyon sürgős lenne, ha valaki megtenné, hogy lefordítja nagyon megköszönném! :) (lehet benne hiba)


The weather any country depends on where it is situated and what climate love it belongs to. Of course, who choose what clothes to near or what activities to do according to the season of a year and current weather.

Let me start with Great Britain. In Britain the weather is often rainy, but in winter it is also very cold and windy. In autumn and spring it can be quite windy but it is hot very cold. Summer can be quite warm but it can also be cloudy.

Hungary has a continental climate, because it is situated right in the middle of the European continent, far from the ocean.

So, there are four seasons in the year: autumn, winter, spring and summer.

March, April and May are spring months. The weather is usually warm and rainy, and the average temperature is about fifteen degrees Celsius above zero. I like spring because of flowers: snowdrops, daffodils, tulips and later roses. There is green grass everywhere and trees start blossoming. I can do lots of things in spring – go on a trip, ride my bike and walk in the nature.

Next comes summer. June, July and August are summer months. The weather is really hot with the average temperature about thirty degrees Celsius above zero. Sometimes there are hotspells, when the temperature reaches thirty-eight degrees Celsius above zero. I have quite a long holiday, so I can do lots of thins: I relax, meet my friends and chat with them, do sports, swim in the pool and sunbathe. And of course, I go on holiday, but it is another story.

Autumn months are September, October and November. At the begining of autumn it is guite hot, like in the summer, but in October and November the weather is cold. The average temperature is about fifteen degrees Celsius above zero. There is a period called Indian summer. It is the time of vintage. In November it is cold, cloudy and windy. Christmas is a religious celebration and we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Nowadays, Christmas is rather a family occasion. The whole family is together, and the atmosphere is solemn. We put up the Christmas tree, which is pine tree or a fir-tree. Then we decorate it with glass balls, sars, lights and of course with fondants. Int he afternoon we exchange presents and have a huge meal. Traditional Christmas meals in Hungary are fish soup, Fried fish, stuffed cabbage and roast duck. We also eat lots of cakes and cookies. The most popular cake is nut and poppy-sead rolls. We relax,have fun and enjoy ourselves.

2013. ápr. 7. 11:13
 1/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Már megoldottam a fordítást, nem kérek rá választ!
2013. ápr. 7. 17:14
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Szerintem ennyit senki nem fog neked lefordítani.

~2500 leütés anyit tesz mint 5000 HUF a hivatásos fordítónál.

2013. ápr. 7. 20:09
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:

Pedig már hosszabbat is fordítottak le nekem.... :P

De már mind1 mert nem kell!

2013. ápr. 9. 13:58

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