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Sürgös! HOgy van magyarul?

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feliratiztam de nem vagyok biztos bene hogy jó

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2013. márc. 28. 14:14
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

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2013. márc. 28. 14:20
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 hunbula ***** válasza:

Bár a másik kérdésedhez már beírtam, bemásolom ide is, hogy biztos észre vedd. Ez az interjú szövege, kiírtam neked, így lehet könnyebb lesz lefordítanod. Ha még mindig nem vagy biztos valamiben, szólj.

I really think Hungarian dancers are well-trained up on to another event I taught in Budapest, we were at the Dance Academy there and the dancers that I had were really-really well-trained. And they're switching from classical ballet to modern, also, the style, they pick it up fast. And also here, in Győr yesterday, at the dance Academy where we are teaching, the kids are super open-minded and they switch easily, they don't complain they don't think too much, they just go for it, which is what, as a teacher, what I'm really looking for in dancers and [in] everybody.

Why do they need such training?

Because the dance world, it changes... The dance world changes so fast. And as a dancer, if you're really versatile, to really switch to any style that the coreographer asks you, because no... There are not much companies that do the same exact style anymore. They have so many different styles, coreographers coming in, to teach them different rap. So as a dancer, you have to adapt to that kind of style.

2013. márc. 29. 06:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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