TELC német B2 nyelvvizsga szóbeli tételei meg vannak adva?
Meg a levélírás témája is ismeretlen?
(mert ugye van kb 20 olyan témakör, amik gyakran felmerülnek, mint család, egészség, kultúra, stb. Ezeket át tudom nézni, de ha kapok egy "Német iskolarendszerről levél" feladatot, nem tudok mit írni:D )
A levélírás témájára valószínűleg nem lehet előre felkészülni. De gyakran szabad témájú a levél, és tulajdonképpen arról írhatsz, amiről csak szeretnél. Minden feladattípus az adott témákból merít témakört, ha azokat rendesen átnézed, biztos, hogy nem ér majd meglepetés, mikor témát kapsz.
Ha ezekkel tisztában vagy, kisujjból kirázod majd a vizsgát, és akár mehetsz felsőfokúra is. :)
Itt vannak a témák a honlapról ( [link]
,,Új prezentáció témák(angol):
1. Personal identification (name, address, marital, sex, date and place of birth, age, nationality, physical apperearence, family, personal relatonship)
2. Human body, health and bodycare (body, personal hygiene, state of health, medical treatement, illness, accident, handicap, smikong, drugs)
3. Home and housing, accommodation (type, size and location of home, rooms, rent, other expenses, furniture and equipment)
4. Places (country, city, type, size and location of place, public services, etc.)
5. Everyday (habits, daily routine, clothes)
6. Food and drink (food, meals, dishes, drinks, beverages, place to eat and/or drink)
7. Education, training and learning (school, college, university, vocational training, adult/further education, language training)
8. Occupation, profession, job (occupation, type of job, vocational qualifications, conditions of work, working hours, holidays, pay, wages, salaries, unemployment, trade unions)
9. Economy, commerce and trade, the consumer (shopping, traditional and new forms of shopping, prices, currencies, sizes, meansurements, quantities, agriculture, trade, industry)
10. Commercial and public services (post, banks, insurance companies)
11. The natural environment (plants animals, landscape, countryside, wheather, climate, environment)
12. Travel (traffic, public and private transport, timetable and connections, holiday arrangements, accomodation, luggage, living in a hotel, guest house, sighseeting)
13. Spare time, leisure, entertainment (hobbies and interests, cultural activities: cinema, theatre, music, exhibitions, etc., sports, fitness, games, public holidays, festivals)
14. Media, communications (press, radio, television, telephone, fax, computers, multimedia)
15. Society, state, government (political organisations and parties, public administration, social security, social matters and problems, living conditions, standard of living, population, law and legal affairs, police, church and religions, military)
16. Relatonships with other people(s) and cultures (neighbouring countries and regions, twinning, immigration, mother tounge, other language, customs)
Prezentációs címek (a vizsgán egy ehhez haspnló címet kaphat a vizsgázó a felkészülés során):
- A book thatyou have read (topic or plot, author, style, your opinion, etc.)
- A concert you have attended (type of music, musicians,where, personal preference, etc.)
- A traditional public holiday in your country (date, customs, food, etc.)
- A tourist attraction near you town (how fair, what to see, best time of year to go etc.)
- A sporting event you have attanded (which sport, where, people involved, result, etc.)"
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