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Angol szakértők, nyelvtanárok, oktatók, felsőfokú nyelvvizsgával rendelkezők válaszát várom. Szerintetek mennyire helytelen ez a fogalmazás?

Figyelt kérdés

Dear XY

I’m glad to hear you’re coming to Hungary. It’s been a long time we haven’t met. Do you know which month are you coming yet? Because you know there are four seasons in Hungary: spring, summer, autumn and winter. So if you’re planning to come in summer you should bring swimsuits or bikini and thing you need in summer because we’ll visit the lake Balaton. Have you ever heard about Balaton? It’s the biggest lake in middle-Europe, it’s very beautiful, also known as ’The Hungarian sea” What is more we can visit zoo’s and we can go for a trip by ship. Of course there are many things to do, you just need to choose what would you like to do. In the other case if you come in winter you’ll need many things. I know there’s no winter in your country, so you don’t really know what do you need. Therefore I made a list for you. You’ll need a coat, scarf, cap, gloves, sweatshirt, warm jumpers, trousers and warm socks. The winter programs are more exciting than the summer plans. We can go ice-skating, skiing and if it’s snowing then we can go sledging and we can build a snowman or fight in the snow.

OK, it’s enough about the plans. Let’s talk about the journey.

You have to go to the embassy and apply for a visa.

It’s going to take a long time while your plane lands in Hungary and I think there’s no direct flight. But don’t worry Hungary is worth to see.

If you have any question feel free to ask me. I’m here to reply every of your questions.

I’m waiting for you reply.



Középfokú nyelvvizsgám van, ezt a levelet írtam, és az volt rá a válasz, hogy "Hemzseg a hibától, nehézkes stílus, és látszik, hogy még mindig magyarul gondolkodsz és azt próbálod egy az egyben angolra fordítani."

Nem tudom mit gondoljak, mert azért ennyire nem hiszem, hogy szörnyű lett, de most már tényleg elbizonytalanodtam. Ezért szeretném kikérni a Ti véleményeteket.

Köszönöm :)

2012. dec. 14. 13:19
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

A stílus valóban eléggé "gyerekes".

Ami a nyelvtant illeti, nem sok helyes mondatot olvastam, azok is elég rövidek voltak. Tipikus hiba:

- beágyazott kérdésnél rossz szórend: "you just need to choose what would you like to do." Ez ugye what you would like to do. Ez a másik: Do you know which month are you coming yet?

- igeidók se jók sokszor

- rossz szavak

- helyesírási hiba: zoos, nem zoo's

- egyéb, pl. Hungary's worth's seeing, nem to see

Nincs időm részletesen kijavítani, de van bőven hiba. Azonban a stílus is nehézkes, rövid, hasonló mondatok következnek egymás után.

2012. dec. 14. 13:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:

I’m glad to hear you’re coming to Hungary. It’s been a long time we met. Do you know when do you come? Because, you know, there are four seasons in Hungary: spring, summer, autumn and winter. So if you opt for the summer you should bring swimsuits or bikini, and things you need in the summer, because we’re going to visit Lake Balaton. Have you ever heard of it? It’s the biggest lake in Europe, it’s very beautiful, and is also known as ’The Hungarian Sea”. What's more, we will be able to visit the zoo, and we can go for a cruise by ship. Of course, there are many things we can do, you just need to choose whatever want to. But, if you choose wintertime, you’ll need many things, too. I know there’s no winter in your country, so you don’t really know what you'll need. Therefore, I've set up a list for you. You’ll need a coat, scarf, cap, gloves, sweatshirt, warm jumpers, trousers and warm socks. The winter programs are more exciting than that of the summer. We can go ice-skating, skiing and, if it’s snowing then we can go to sledge and we can raise a snowman or through snow balls.

Okay, I've discussed the plans just enough. Let’s talk about the journey itself. You have to visit the embassy and apply for a visa.

It’s going to take a long time until your plane lands, and I think, there’s no direct flight to Hungary. But please don’t worry. Hungary is worth visiting.

If you have any question, feel free to ask me. I’m here to reply every one of your questions.

I’m waiting for you reply.


2012. dec. 14. 16:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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