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Anyanyelvi angol tanárt?

Figyelt kérdés
keresek...megfizethetőt, perfect-et :) segítsetek, öszi

2012. okt. 18. 20:03
 1/6 anonim ***** válasza:
Mennyi az a megfizethető?
2012. okt. 18. 21:08
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/6 A kérdező kommentje:
akihez most járok egy óra 4000 :( nagyon soknak találom
2012. okt. 18. 21:50
 3/6 Werner Dau válasza:


I have studied English in various countries including Britain, the Netherlands and Hungary, too. Fees are varied. In Germany, you can take a class for c. 16 euros per hour (for 18 euros, too). In Italy where I worked, it is almost the same, some 14 euros per hour.

I understand your point because I was in the same situation years ago when my friend from England introduced me to this teacher. Shall I look up my native teacher's Hungarian address?

- Good news: I've not been studying with him since spring since I got through all IELTS, LCCI, TOEFL, whatever I wanted (you know beaurocracy, the more certificates you can show up, the higher respect you deserve), and now I'm looking for a job at international firms.

You can try to perform the way I did. :-) .

- The fee of tuition amounted to 3200 Ft (per 60 min), patient, precise, and a lot of good short exercises (you spend some 10 min on it, then get the next) are provided. So you can get a lot of stuff, thematic repetition of everyday topics (housing and paying bills, post office, IT, phoning, television and radio programmes, traffic, buying things, office scenes, schooling, topics about economy, industry, agriculture, the country called Hungary ... Canada, England, Australia... etc.).

In the sessions, I could practice for IELTS, TOEFL, routine tasks in these exams, but he gets people ready for ECL and Origo, too (if you know Hungarian... :-)

- I could gather vocabulary lists, grammatical short tasks, settling on the same meaning between pairs, choosing the right structure (TOEFL- and Cambridge-test kind, when you should see why a structure is wrong) or: separating sentences in oral and written style, informal, neutral, formal stylistic levels, then you write > informal, slang: you can get the dough now > more formal: You're able to draw your salary... :-)

- gap-fillers in scientific articles from this teacher.

I quite enjoyed these:

- situations in an English shop or office, and you must say something that matches the situation

- bar graphs or charts and you should read off an economic process (e. g. stock exchange) or a demographic change, then you write a letter/essay to sum up

- writing a summary of a story or writing a long story from some data, you can learn how to condense and expand a topic

- I learnt a lot of synonyms and antonyms, also idioms, and one-word equivalanets (e. g. be in two minds = doubt)

- jokes and their explanation if you don't get them (I didn't) :-)

- a range of genres: writing articles, home essays at universities, B. A. / M. A. essays (I asked him to check my M. A. thesis, and he did),

- Preparation for IELTS (academic), TOEFL and TOEIC, Cambridge CPE / CAE / Vantage Higher courses.

- If you want to learn English by e-mail parcel (bits of homework, it's possible and you can save a lot of time, the parcels are well-said, and he corrects essay-type homework for free if you write up the bit (200-300 words).

Session times are flexible, he works on translations at his home desk, so you can easily find a convenient day every week.

So just feel free to send a message here

I'll look up the e-details on Friday. I can send him an e-mail that you would love to meet him if you're shy. It may be cheaper if you know another or an old learner (me). - My English friend took me to his class years ago, and it was cheaper because they studied together years before. Then I took sessions privately.

Tudok (jo, akcentussal) magyarul (mondtak, hogy itt nehez dolgozni, ha nem tudsz, mert a magyar rosszul beszel idegen nyelven, aber auf Deutsch or in English I'm quicker. If I help you, could you proofread a short letter (120 words) for me (a Hungarian one), right?

Of course, I give you 9 synonyms of the German word schleu or the like if you wish.

2012. okt. 19. 05:52
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/6 anonim ***** válasza:
4000 Ft / hány perc? 60 vagy 90? Még ha csak 60 perc, akkor sem sok. Ennél olcsóbban csak nagyon kezdőt találsz.
2012. okt. 19. 22:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/6 A kérdező kommentje:
60 perc skype/személyes
2012. okt. 19. 23:18
 6/6 Werner Dau válasza:

Megkerdeztem a tanart, rola irtam mar ott font, az angol valasz!

Chat vagy skype is alkalmas, en is e-leckeket is kaptam.

Szemelyes oktatas es e-oktatas kombinalhato. Tudsz tanulni gazdasagi (penzugyi, tozsdei, kontrolling > ezeket en tanultam nala), kulkereskedelmi, hotelipari), orvosi, muszaki, mezogazdasagi, jogi angolt)

Ha tanitvanya ajanlja (az vagyok en) a masik tanitvanyt,a akkor neked kedvezo.

Oradij 4000 Ft / 90 perc, es 7000 Ft/180 perc - hetekre ertheto, tehat a 180 percet lehet 2 alkalomra felosztani.

2012. okt. 23. 16:52
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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