Kezdőoldal » Közoktatás, tanfolyamok » Nyelvtanulás » Hogyan tudnék külföldiekkel...

Hogyan tudnék külföldiekkel ismerkedni, levelezni?

Figyelt kérdés
Elsősorban hogy gyakoroljam az angolomat... Előre is köszi :)

2012. okt. 17. 17:13
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
2012. okt. 17. 17:17
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:


You're absolutely right. Corresponding with people who live in another country and speak some English (let alone, impeccable English) is an asset!

Carry on! Don't just dream about words and sentences! I've been corresponding with a variety people from Europe (30 countries), India, China, America and Africa for a long time. Quite a lot of valuable, thrilling and engrossing topics, and often not unwieldy bits of information in areas such as cooking, sewing, jobs and studying at the university in various countries, hiking, history, geography, information technology, financial tips, holidaymaking, travel, society and economy, painting, playing the piano or other instruments, films and CDs in the region, short translations, chess and other board games (+ their electronic versions), etc. come up in the conversations. (We cannot compete with Gyakori, which is fairly varied in the areas, indeed, but it may give you more knowledge about countries that do not belong to your region.)

Chat is also possible but intermediate English is recommended.

Join our club by sending a mail about yourself to:

You can't lose much, and perhaps gain something... How did I learn Hungarian and some other six languages? By corresponding and chatting with people in Hungary and all the other countries.

I could then see some friends in India, Africa, China, Siberia, and even the Fiji Islands (Oceania) after corresponding with them.

You can also send me a private message here (if you're unable to cope with e-boxes, the e-mailbox is above. If possible, open any proper (e. g. yahoo) e-box - not a citromail or indamail, please, which struggle with allowing you to send and receive letters and pictures.

2012. okt. 17. 21:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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