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Valaki le írná nekem (angolul! ) mit mondanak ebben a videóban?

Figyelt kérdés

az angol szövegre lennék kiváncsi,mert nemértem hogy mitmondanak.

2012. máj. 9. 14:06
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

- Sure, you can use P3 for a photo shoot. Hello? Remember me?

- Oh, poor Piper. Well, you know what? The martyr routine's getting old.

- Hey, guys, what's going on?

- Shut up!

-You know what? I am so sorry that I didn't check with you about your stupid little club, I was too busy being the only witch concerned about the triad.

- Oh, right, without the mighty Prue Halliwell we'd all be dead. Get over yourself, Prue.

- Sisters, what has gotten into you two?

- By the way, you owe me for a car tow and a tank of gas, you little leech.

- I'm sorry, is it gang up on Phoebe day and nobody told me?

- News flash! The world does not revolve around Phoebe.

- Yes, so while you get to spend the night screwing the DA, we are stuck picking up your slack.

- What's the matter, Prue? Jealous? All work and no play making you even more boring?

- Oh, yeah, there's a lot to be jealous of. Jealous that I'm still in school, jealous that I'm still unemployed and jealous that I am still living off of my sisters.

- Yeah, Grams said that you'd never amount to anything.

- I am so sick of the fact that I've been saddled with the two of you my entire life.

- Whatever, I'm leaving.

- Oh, sure, you're such an immature brat, you leave every time you can't hack something.

- Well, there's nothing keeping me here, now is there?

- Oh, well, I see that you've inherited dad's talent of bailing.

- That's because the two of us couldn't deal with living with the two of you.

- Well, at least I'm not so stupid I had to do college twice.

- Well, at least I actually had the courage to go away to college. What's the matter, Piper? The real world too much for you? I am so sick of the two of you ganging up on me and judging me.

- I am so sick of saving your asses.

- I'm sick of being taken for granted and those are mine.

- Ouch! Bitch!

2012. máj. 11. 01:06
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Nagyon köszi!:) Megy a zöld kéz!;)
2012. máj. 11. 06:32
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Szívesen :)
2012. máj. 12. 15:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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