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" To the popularity, reputation has a price. If somebody appear in a film, act a charachter and she/he cecome very famous, she lost her privacy. The star world has not only shining face: the lives of celebrities become public.
Even if you are celeb and even if you are a normal person you should always have privacy. I think celebrities have as much as any non-famous person does, they are just people, normal people, like us.
Maybe that natural is it, if a fun wants to know waht happens to their favourite celeb, but a lot of people cannot realiz it, be none of celebritie's business that their favourite is going out with who or what he/she just ate for lunch, how many kg-s put on wight.
On the other hand is hard to livein that way if somebody (for example paparazzi) is in your trace constantly, and he watches what are you doing, and you can do nothing so, that the media hasn't information about it. For celebrities is difficult to behave as ideal always, because for the reputation should very much work, and teh many stresses leave a mark them. Nobady is perfect everybody make mistake sometimes. The diffrence is that if a non famous person, for instend fine for speeding, that not be public, dont't appear in TV, in the magazines. In turn the celebs always read it back int the boulevard magazines themselves.
For us people have right to know just so much in the celebs private lives , as much as they want to show for us.
Finally there're more importantthings in the life, than celebs private lives. "

Nem irom at, csak kijavitom a hibaidat.
Popularity, being famous has a price. When one appears in a film, acts out a character and she/he becomes very famous, more often than not, he/she has lost her privacy. The star world has not only shining stars, but comes with the cons of celebrities and their lives scrutinised under the public eyes.
Whether you are celeb or an everyday person, you should always have the right to privacy. I think celebrities should have as much as any non-famous people are entitled to. They are humans, normal people, trying to live a normal life, just like us.
As natural as it may be, fans want to know what happens in their favourite celeb's life. Lot of people don't realise, it is none of their business with whom or where their favourite stars go, what they just happened to have for lunch, their current weight, etc.
For somebody famous, it is hard to live under the watchfulness of paparazzi, who follow you constantly, who photographs your every move, selling your "story" to the magazines. Media tends to distort the truth, make up sensational articles, for the sake of good sales of magazines.
For celebrities it is difficult to behave always as role models. Their life can become stressful, because of their celebrity status.
Nobody is perfect, nobody lives a perfect life, everybody makes mistakes sometimes. The difference is that if a non famous person gets fined for speeding, it will not be front page news, most of the time is not made public. The event won't make it in the news on television. When one of the stars should be booked for speeding, he/she can read all about it in the magazines, watch herself on the latest edition of the news.
People argue, we should have the rights to know about celebs' lives, but we must remember, only as much as they want us to now.
Finally, we must keep in mind, life has more important things, than to follow celebrities' every step, to demand to know every details of their private lives.
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