Online petíciót szeretnék írni angolul, légyszíves lektorálnátok?
Dear Ubisoft.
We all love your game so much, but we want the game to take place in the Hungarian Kingdom. Hungary was a very big and strong country in Europe.
As you can see, Hungary has a great history, with lots of forts, battles and great warriors. We think it's time to pick out a country, what isn't as usual as Western European countries. Hungary had a great connection with the pope, Poland, Holy Roman Empire, but it's territory was also really big.
Please, understand us and make an Assassin's Creed game, which takes place in the Hungarian Kingdom or the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

huh tetszik az ötlet :D
"Please, understand us" ez sztem angolul hülyén hangzik én ilyet még sehol se láttam. Én inkább azt írnám, hogy "Think about it" - gondold meg.
"we want the game" helyett "we would like the game to take place" szebben hangzik :)
Beleírhatod azt is, hogy "Hungary was a melting pot of different cultures throughout history: western european, eastern slavic and islam culture are all influented strongly Hungary. So it could be an exciting and colorful place to play :)"

"but it's territory"
simán its (mert ez nem it is)
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