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Angol tesztet? Hogy is kell?

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Igazából fogalmam sincs, h mi a feladat ebben a tesztben. Segítenél??

>When i ...(phone) Helen last nightshe ...(wash) her hair.

>Peter...(offer) me another drink but i decided i...(had) enough.

>Nobody...(watch), so the little boy ...(take)the packet of sweetsfrom the shelf and...(put) it in his pocket.

>i...(not realise) that i ...(leave)my umbrella on the bus untilit...(start) to rain.

>At school i...(dislike) the maths teacher becausehe...(always/pick)on me.

>Wherever Marion...(find) a job , there was someone who ...(know) that she ...(go) to prison.

>Several years later i...(find out) that during all time i ...(write) to my pen friend my mother....(open) and reading the rephes.

> I ...(not understand) what ...(go on). Several people...(shout) at me and one passer by ...(wave) a newspapart in front of my face.

>I...(know)I... (do) well in myexams even before I... receive) the official results.

2010. okt. 24. 13:55
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

>When i ...(phone) Helen last nightshe ...(wash) her hair

When I phoned Helen last night, she was washing her hair.

>Peter...(offer) me another drink but i decided i...(had) enough.

Peter offered me another drink, but I decided I've had enough.

>Nobody...(watch), so the little boy ...(take)the packet of sweetsfrom the shelf and...(put) it in his pocket.

Nobody was watching, so the little boy took the packet of sweets from the shelf and put it in his pocket.

>i...(not realise) that i ...(leave)my umbrella on the bus untilit...(start) to rain.

I did not realise that I I have left my umbrella on the bus until it started to rain.

>At school i...(dislike) the maths teacher becausehe...(always/pick)on me.

At school I disliked the maths teacher because he always picked on me.

>Wherever Marion...(find) a job , there was someone who ...(know) that she ...(go) to prison.

Wherever Marion found a job, there was someone who knew that she is going to go to prison.

>Several years later i...(find out) that during all time i ...(write) to my pen friend my mother....(open) and reading the rephes.

Several years later I found out that during all the time I have written to my panfried, my mother has opened and tread the rephes. (Ez mi?)

> I ...(not understand) what ...(go on). Several people...(shout) at me and one passer by ...(wave) a newspapart in front of my face.

I don't understand what is going on Several people shouted at me and one passerby waved a newspaper in front of my face.

>I...(know)I... (do) well in myexams even before I... receive) the official results.

I knew I've done well in my exams, even before I received the official results.

Masodszora mentelek meg???

2010. okt. 24. 15:01
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:

Nem csak elsőre mentettél meg, de örök hálám neked:)

Am én sem tudom, mit jelent az a szó. Fénymásolatban kaptuk meg a szöveget, kb egy 8*8 centis lapon. Alig tudtam kibogarászni a szöveget magát. Hát h még meg is értsem... Pedig rendensen tanulok angolra, de nem megy, nem magyarát a tanár...:(

Nah m1, mégegyszer, nagyon szépen köszönöm.

2010. okt. 24. 15:17
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Itt a past perfecteket is kell alkalmazni egy múltbeli cselekvés előtt történt még múltabb cselekvésnél. Ha nem érted, keress rá a past perfectre.

I didn't realize that I had left my umbrella ... Előbb otthagytad, past perfect, befejezett múlt, utána (nem) vetted észre (past simple).

Wherever M. found a job there was always someone who knew that she had been in prison. Előbb volt (past perfect), utána tudták meg (past simple)

had been writing to my penfriend ... had been opening (bár ez egy elég szerencsétlen, mesterkélt mondat)Később tudta meg (past simple), korábban írogatott és bontotta ki, ráadásul folyamatosan, past perfect continuous

I didn't understand what was going on. Several people were shouting at me and one passer-by was waving a newspaper. Nem értettem, mi történik. (Angolul ezt is múltba kell tenni a nem értettem miatt, ez az igeidő-egyeztetés.)Emberek kiabáltak nekem és egy járókelő egy újsággal integetett. Folyamatos múlt.

I knew I had done well even before I received: Korábban teljesített jól a vizsgán, (past perfect) utána kapta meg az eredményt (past simple).

2010. okt. 24. 20:57
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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