ECL vagy Origo??
Most voltam felsőfokún az Origónál (kétnyelvű) a szóbelim és a hallgatásom jól sikerült így az a része meg lett viszont az írásbelin meghúztak. Plusz pontért szeretném ezt a felsőfokút igazából és most ez a szóbeli magában semmit nem ér csak a komplex közepem de az kevesebb pont mint egy felső.
Írásbelit kéne így csinálnom és az lenne a kérdésem, hogy ecl-n milyen a felsőfok írásbelije? Nagyon teljesíthetetlen? Ha valakinek van bele látása, melyik vizsgára lenne érdemesebb elmenni? Az az igazság, hogy Origonál most is az írásbelire sokat készültem, többet mint a szóbelire és elég csalódott lettem, hogy így se sikerült és kicsit el is vette a kedvemet a vizsgaközponttól és mivel van a sulinkban ECL azon gondolkoztam még talán.
Mit javasoltok?

"nem egyformák a nyelvvizsgák..."
Kanálban a mélyedés...

"Az angol nyelvben sokfele kommunikacios szint van. Az, amit a felsö közép használ, magyarul hivatali bikkfanyelvnek mondanám nagyon két értelmü(UK-ban laktam es kaptam ilyen leveleket, ahol igy is es ugy is lehetett ertelmezni a dolgokat. Majd fel is teszem ide). Ennek az angolok a nagy kesterei, legalabbis a magyar nyelvben kevesebb a hasonlo max a jogi ertelemben pl te tartozol a szolgaltatonak vagy ö neked(persze ö neked, kulonben nem irtak volna levelet). Persze az lenne objektiv, ha valakit befizetnenk 5-10 vizsgatipusra egy adott evben es kiderulne, melyik könnyebb vagy nehezebb. Csak egy pelda az Orszagh fele szotar kisse avitt es rengeteg uj es divatos szo nincsen benne meg rendesen(a co- meg en-kezdetü szavakrol is beszelek, ezeket kulon magolnom kellett volna."
Ezt a katyvaszt...
Egyáltalán nem lenne objektív.
Milyen co- meg en- kezdetű szavak? Mire mentél volna, ha bemagolod az összeset?

corker correlative
corresponding corroborated counts
counterbalance - offset covenant
covet a woman
coolie cope, copious
cop-out, copulate, cordial
complete contrivance contrivance contrivances.
contrived, controversial, convalesce, convenience, convenient
controlfreak, convention,conversant, conversely, conversional
convey, convulsed conveyor
convivial convoluted convolution
convulsive-uncontrollable feeling
conveive, conceptual, concession,
conclude, concillate, conscise
conclusive convincing
condescending, conditional, condolence confer, - ment, confessl, confit, confirm, conflagration
conflate, confluence confound, confuse, conscience conscious consent, consistent, containment
contaminate, contemplate contemplativ
contemporaneous contempt contemptuous, contend, contending, contentious vs uncontentious(vitatoty contentious issue) contest(ant) contextual, contiguous, contagious continence, contretemps
coddle , coerce , collate collude , combine, combustible, commend commiserate compartment
compel compelling, compile, complecency , compliment, complement , comply compose
composure comprise, compromise
under compulsion compulsive

A kérdés továbbra is az, hogy
"Mire mentél volna, ha bemagolod az összeset?"

Nem bemagolas hanem begyakorlas!!!
A kérdések szövege(krumplielem) az amúgy ez volt:
A Smithsonian magazine special report
A Potato Battery Can Light Up a Room For Over a Month
A crop-based power system coming out of Israel is significantly cheaper than batteries, but why isn’t anyone interested?
Tuan C. Nguyen
Tuan C. Nguyen
December 2, 2013
Credit Mogens Jacobsen
As one of the most ubiquitous crops in the world, the potato is poised to feed the entire world. Along the way, scientists discovered that the popular staple of many people's diets may also have potential to help power it as well.
A couple years ago, researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem released their finding that a potato boiled for eight minutes can make for a battery that produces ten times the power of a raw one. Using small units comprised of a quarter-slice of potato sandwiched between a copper cathode and a zinc anode that's connected by a wire, agricultural science professor Haim Rabinowitch and his team wanted to prove that a system that can be used to provide rooms with LED-powered lighting for as long as 40 days. At around one-tenth the cost of a typical AA battery, a potato could supply power for cell phone and other personal electronics in poor, underdeveloped and remote regions without access to a power grid.
To be clear, the potato is not, in and of itself, an energy source. What the potato does is simply help conduct electricity by acting as what’s called a salt-bridge between the the two metals, allowing the electron current to move freely across the wire to create electricity. Numerous fruits rich in electrolytes like bananas and strawberries can also form this chemical reaction. They're basically nature’s version of battery acid.
"Potatoes were chosen because of their availability all over including the tropics and sub-tropics," Rabinowitch told the Science and Development Network. They are the world's fourth most abundant food crop."
But besides being rich in phosphoric acid, spuds are ideal in that they're composed of sturdy starch tissue, can be stored for months and won’t attract insects the way, say strawberries, would. Additionally, boiling the potato breaks down the resistance inherent in the dense flesh so that electrons can flow more freely, which significantly bumps up the overall electrical output. Cutting the potato up into four or five pieces, they researchers found, made it even more efficient.
The potato battery kit, which includes two metal electrodes and alligator clips, is easy to assemble and, some parts, such as the zinc cathode, can be inexpensively replaced. The finished device Rabinowitch came up with is designed so that a new boiled potato slice can be inserted in between the electrodes after the potato runs out of juice. Alligator clips that transport the current carrying wires are attached to the electrodes and the negative and positive input points of the light bulb. Compared to kerosene lamps used in many developing parts of the world, the system can provide equivalent lighting at one-sixth the cost; it's estimated to be somewhere around $9 per kilowatt hour and a D cell battery, for another point of comparison, can run as much as $84 per kilowatt hour.
Despite the advantages, a recent BBC report that followed up on the group's initial discovery found that the group has since been beset with a number of extenuating circumstances that have hindered their efforts to scale up their idea to places like villages in off-the-grid parts in Africa and India. Economically speaking, food-based energy systems can only be viable as long as they don't eat into the needed food supply and that such enterprises don't compete with farmers who grow them for market. The technology is also having a difficult time establishing a niche among more fashionable forms of alternative energy like solar and wind power, where infrastructure and investment seems to be headed mostly. Thus far, no commercial investors or non-profit organization has stepped up to help expand or distribute any of the prototypes Rabinowitch has developed.
To really make an impact, perhaps the potato needs to stop being so humble
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