Kijavítanátok az alábbi angol mondatokat?
Figyelt kérdés
I have found an article from an internet magazine. This article is very funny because the article is about that there is a dog. In the video the dog singing Britney Spears's one of tracks and it sounds funny. Many people shared this video in their own facebook pages.2020. ápr. 14. 22:33
1/5 anonim válasza:
A masodik mondatban mit szeretnel kifejezni?
Szerintem, de javitsanak ki az utanam valaszolok:
I have found an article in an internet magazine. This article is very funny because the article tells more about a dog. In the video the dog is singing one of the Britney Spears track and it sounds so funny. Az uccso mondat jo.
2/5 anonim válasza:
Megse jo. "On their own" nem pedig "in their own".
3/5 anonim válasza:
I have found an article from an internet magazine. This piece is hilarious because the write-up is about a dog and his mischief recorded on video. The dog is singing one of Britney Spears’ tracks, and it sounds funny. Lots of people have shared this video on their Facebook pages.
4/5 A kérdező kommentje:
A második mondatban azt szerettem volna kifejezni, hogy a cikk vicces, mert van benne egy kutya aki énekel.
2020. ápr. 15. 00:05
5/5 anonim válasza:
Az egyszerűség kedvéért:
I have found an article on the internet from an online magazine. This article is hilarious, It’s about a video where a dog is singing a Britney Spears song and it sounds really funny. Many people shared this video on their Facebook pages.
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