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Hogy tanították neked egyetemen az SAP-t?

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2021. jún. 16. 19:40
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Nálunk így nézett ki egyetemen a háttértörténet, valamint a követelmények:

The Alhambra Cinemas Company (ACC), has expanded over a decade, to include several plush cinemas nationwide.

Each cinema has several screens, and each screen has seating capacity of 250. A film will be shown for a continuous run of a given number of weeks. The cinema week starts on Thursdays. The start times of each performance for a film during the day and the evening will be the same on each day. The details of films to be shown at the cinema for the next month are to be recorded in the database. Customers can reserve a seat for a particular performance up to 1 week in advance, and purchase tickets at the counter or online. Adult and child tickets are strictly priced, but discounts are available for families and groups.

ACC requires an enterprise wide system that covers the business processes of procurement, inventory management, production, sales and marketing, human resources, and finance. ACC is happy for staged system development – with individual process development – initially starting with procurement and inventory management. Production, sales and marketing, human resources and finance will follow as forthcoming projects to form the complete enterprise-wide resource planning system.

There are four key processes that make up the ACC inventory system:

(1) account for anything added to the inventory,

(2) account for anything taken from the inventory,

(3) placing order;

(4) paying bills.

ACC require an automatic re-ordering system, and the manager requires a visual outlook of the approximate inventory levels and a range of further relevant reports. ACC will have standing daily delivery orders for some perishable items that are used every day, and minimum order quantities and the amount of stock on hand to determine which orders need to be placed.

Assessment Number 1 of 2 (component 1)

Assessment Type (and weighting) Discursive essay. 50%

Assessment Name Enterprise Systems Research Report

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Describe in detail and deploy the tools and techniques, principles and underlying theories associated with the development of enterprise systems

LO2: Critically review and analyse a range of theories, ideas and opinions related to the development of enterprise systems

LO7: Effective structure and communicate ideas.

Component 1. (50% weighting)

Task to do:

Write a discursive essay of approximately 2000 words titled “A focus on enterprise systems, theory, practice and competitive advantage solutions” addressing:

Research, review and document the current theories and practice relating to Enterprise Systems, and business processes. Consider the issues surrounding the development of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, and the concept of enterprise systems integration.

Critically evaluate the ways in which an Enterprise System can give the business a competitive advantage, and how the dashboard concept supports this.


Assessment Number 2of 2 (component 2)

Assessment Type (and weighting) 50%

Assessment Name Case Study and Development

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO3: Employ data and evidence from a range of sources to build a balanced and logical argument to support the planning and development of a practical task.

LO4: Identify and define a complex problem related to the implementation of enterprise systems and apply appropriate knowledge, tools, and techniques in providing a solution (C3)

LO5: Evidence time management and organisational skills (P2)

LO6: Make appropriate use of a range of software packages in the development of an enterprise system (T1)

Assessment Brief

Component 2. (50% weighting)

Task 1 (20 marks)

Analyse the case study above, document the business processes and identify the requirements of an Enterprise System covering the procurement process. Ensure the appropriate assumptions, constraints and business rules are clarified for the procurement process.

Task 2 (60 marks)

Justify the selection of appropriate ERP software for the development of an enterprise system prototype. Focus your investigation on the business processes and making use of a range of tools and technique; subsequently conduct the analysis, design, and build of this enterprise system prototype.

Task 3 (20 marks)

Synthesise enterprise system theory to establish an appropriate criterion for evaluating the procurement prototype solution. Justify the chosen criteria. Evaluate the solution using this criterion.

2021. jún. 16. 20:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
#1 Magyarul tudsz?
2021. jún. 17. 00:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

#2 Persze majd átfordítom az angol assignment-et a kedvedért DeepL-el, hogy te is megértsd lol

Ha már a kérdező zöld pacsival reagált rá, gondolom neki ez is megfelelt, és ugye bár az ő kérdése ez, nem a tiéd.

2021. jún. 17. 00:36
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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