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Valaki tud segíteni a marketing feladatommal? Bőv. Lent

Figyelt kérdés

A feladat az, hogy egy market research activity-nek kell leírni a végeredményeit meg evalulni angolul.

Itt van bemásolva a feladatnak a kritériuma, az M3 meg a D2 nem ett jó ezért azt kell javítanom.

Az eddigi kész feladatot privátban tudom átküldeni mert itt hosszú lenne.

Bármilyen segítséget előre is köszönök.

P4 is a practical assessment activity and learners should evidence the planning of a market research activity by identifying their objectives and their target group and selecting appropriate research methods. Learners should design research documentation, eg questionnaire, feedback cards, and also evidence the use of secondary research sources, eg statistics. Learners can work in teams during the planning and the designing stage and also when conducting the market research activity but all evidence produced must be individual and any observations by the tutor must be recorded for individual learners. The assessment should focus on the appropriateness of the plan and the suitability of the market research documentation to gather feedback. For example, if learners design a questionnaire it must contain at least 10 questions and the responses must be designed to achieve the objectives. The documentation should be produced to industry standards and neatly completed. The market research should be conducted in a professional manner with an appropriate number of respondents for the results to be meaningful. Learners must evidence the conducting of the market research by the results of the research supported by a short report or log. M3 requires learners to explain how the market research method selected and the documentation designed contributed to meeting the objectives of the market research activity. The explanation should clearly link the methods selected and the documentation used with the objectives of the market research activity.

For D2, learners should analyse the findings of their market research activity and make realistic recommendations of how the findings could benefit the organisation. For example, the findings might have resulted in 60% of people interviewed prefer to book online. Analysis of these respondents might have shown that they were within the younger age groups and had access to computers. The benefit of these results to the organisation would be the knowledge that, if they wanted to target the younger market, they would need to invest in an on-line booking system. To achieve D2, the analysis must be comprehensive and fully correlated and recorded using different methods, eg graphs and charts. The recommendations must be fully justified from the results of the market research.

2017. márc. 14. 18:23
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