Hogy helyes? (angol)
I won't be finishing the plans for the new house by the end of next week.
I won't have finished the plans for the new house by the end of next week.
I won't have been finishing the plans for the new house by the end of next week.
We'll going to attend our first lecture at the unversity at this time next Monday.
We'll have attended our first lecture at the unversity at this time next Monday.
We'll be attending our first lecture at the unversity at this time next Monday.
When Sheryl's got her degree, she's working for IBS Computers.
When Sheryl's got her degree, she's will work for IBS Computers.
When Sheryl's got her degree, she's going to work for IBS Computers.

Mérget nem vennék rá, de
- I won't have finished...
- We'll be attending...
ami viszont szerintem biztos:
- When Sheryl gets her degree, she'll work for IBS Computers.

Veheted azt a mérget!
1. befejezett jövő: addigra még nem lesz befejezve
2. foly. jövő: éppen ott fogunk ülni (az első mondat nemlétező alak)
3. egyszerű jövő when-es összetett mondatban, jóslat.

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