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Tudna vki segíteni az angol prezentáciomban?

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Már megprobáltam leflrdítani magamtol es a googlvel. Angolból kell csinálni egy prezentációt de nem hiszem h jó lett amit írtam. Aki tud angolul kérem javitsa ki. :)

Diana a wales princess was born 1 july 1961 the british as the member of arisztokracia. Diana parents are divorce. You live at give it back to their mother at the time of Christmas once. Their father reared it then.

Károly wales prince Britis a heir's first wife. Two of their children Vilmos and Hanrik were born prince. Their marital problems were divorced finally until years. He was their lovers for all two. Later apart they moved and Diana reported it to the press.

31 august 1997 died on a road accident. In a underpass his lover. The leader was intoxicated. Paparazes it was pursued but one were found responsible. The reasons of his death are disputed until a today's day. The British was a conspiracy according to some people from secret service. Would have reported a risk according to other if the British is a future king's mother marries a Muslim one.

Amit írni akartam: Diana walesi hercegné született 1961 július 1 a brit arisztokrácia tagjaként. Szülei elváltak. Testverevel anyjával éltek de egyszer apjuk karácsonykor nem engedte el őket.

Károly walesi herceg brit trónörökös első felesége. Két gyermekük született Vilmos és Henrik herceg. Ő non híres volt a férje miatt. Évekig házassági problemával küzdöttek míg végül elváltak. Mind kettőjüknek szeretőjük lett. Később széjjel költöztek és Diana bejelentette a sajtónak.

1997 augusztus 31-en halt meg közúti ballesetben. Egy aluljáróban halt meg szeretőjével. A vezető ittas volt. Paparazzik üldözték őket, de egyiket sem itélték el. Halála okait mai napig vitatják. Egyesek szerint összeesküvés vokt a brit titkosszolgálattól. Mások szerint kockázatot jelentett volna ha a brit jövendő királyanyja férjhez megy egy muszlimanhoz.

Ezt szeretném lefordítani kérlek ha tudtok segitsetek. :)

2014. nov. 16. 17:02
 1/4 anonim válasza:

Szia, esetleg ezeket javítsd ki:

-as the member of aristocrachy of british (az arisztokraciát nem biztos hogy jól írtam)

-Diana Wales's princess (mivel Wales hercegnője)

- a Muslim one biztosan nem jó ;)

Egy tipp: a google fordító eszméletlen nagy badarságokat ad ki ha komplett novellákat fordítasz. Próbáld mondatrészenként. Sok sikert!

2014. nov. 16. 17:32
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm :) a többi jó?
2014. nov. 16. 17:43
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Diana, Princess of Wales, was born on 1 July 1961 into the British aristocracy. Diana's parents were divorced. Diana with her siblings were living with their mother, until they were visiting their father one Christmas. Earl Spencer has refused to let the children return to their mother.

Diana Spencer has become Prince Charles' first wife in 1981. Prince Charles is first in line to the throne. Their children are Prince William and Prince Henry (Harry). Lady Spencer, as she was known before her marriage to Charles, has become the most photographed, influential woman in the world. Diana and Charles have battled marital problems for many years, as reported by the media, and finally divorced in 1996. It is believed that both of them have had lovers. Diana has tipped off the press, as she has done many times since, and they've seperated.

On 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales died as a result of injuries sustained in a car crash in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, France. Her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and the driver of their car, Henri Paul, were pronounced dead at the scene. Although the media pinned the blame on the paparazzi, the crash was found to be caused by the reckless actions of the chauffeur who lost control of the car at high speed while drunk. The cause of their death are disputed until today. Dodi's father, Mohamed Al-Fayed has claimed that the crash was a result of a conspiracy, and later contended that the crash was orchestrated by MI6 on the instructions of the Royal Family. Many British people also believe this to be the truth.

The "Establishment," Fayed charged, "could not accept that an Egyptian Muslim could eventually be the stepfather of the future king of England."

2014. nov. 17. 14:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm szépen :)
2014. nov. 17. 16:16

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